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Texas版 - Fall 2011 RA Opportunity in Transportation
Spring 2012 RA Opportunity in Transportation休士顿的小区都很不安全?
Summer 2012 RA Opportunity in Transportationhouston地区的biology PhD 工作机会?
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at TSU请教自费式访问学者怎么找offer!
RA Opportunities @ 德州南方大学(TSU),Department of Transportation Studies休斯敦2111 Holly Hall 1b/1b (一室一厅一卫) Apt. Sublease
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at TSUTSU summer math camp
这里有没有留学中介啊尼嘎又弑老中 (转载)
问一下德州的同学,德州夏天闷热吗?华人大学学院院长被控歧视非华裔,胜诉 (转载)
话题: tsu话题: texas话题: university话题: ra
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发帖数: 26
Fall 2011 RA Opportunity in Transportation
Fall2011,deadline在七月份。具体请与Dr.Yi Qi 联系:q*[email protected]
The Department of Transportation Studies (DTS) at Texas Southern University
(TSU),Houston, Texas, is recruiting graduate students who are interested in
pursuinga graduate degree in Transportation. Full sponsorship in the formof
Research Assistant (RA) will be provided to qualified applicants.
TSU is a state-supported higher educational institution providing
comprehensiveacademic and research programs. The graduate program in the
DTSprovides study areas in transportation technologies, traffic operations,
transportationplanning, transportation systems analysis, transportation
management, IntelligentTransportation Systems (ITS), and transportation
logistics. TSU isa member of the Southwest Region University
Transportation Center (SWUTC), afederal funded national university
transportation centers program through U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT
TSU is also a National Transportation Security Center of Excellence
designated bythe U.S. Congress through Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The transportation research programs at TSUare provided through two
specialized research units, Innovative TransportationResearch Institute (
ITRI) and Center for Transportation Training and Research(CTTR), which are
also supported by the top of the line lab facilities,including full-motion
driving simulator, mobile traffic van, real-time traffic monitoring system,
portable emission measurement system, and full-motion flightsimulator.
Students in pursuing the graduate program have the opportunity to associate
with the first classresearchers and scholars, and be involved in the most
advanced transportation researchactivities and technologies.
Students who are interested in the graduate study in transportation at Texas
Southern University are preferred to have a strong background and/or
greatinterest in computers and statistics, and demonstrate a high level of
proficiencyin technical writing and communication skills. A background in
Transportationis not required. The past and current students in theDTS have
come to the program with backgrounds in civil engineering,transportation
engineering, computer science, electrical engineering,mathematics, physics,
business, etc. Applicants are required to take a GREexamination. A high
TOEFL score for international students may not be required,but a passing
score of 80 is a mandatory. The essential oral and writing Englishskills may
be tested by interviews.
Those who are interested should send an e-mail to Dr. Yi Qi at q*[email protected] (
Tel: 713-313-6809). Information onthe programs in the Department of
Transportation Studies is provided at
http://itri.tsu.edu/.Information on Texas Southern University can be accessed at http://www.tsu.edu/.
For Application Steps for Master of Science in Transportation Planning
andManagement, Visits website at
1 (共1页)
华人大学学院院长被控歧视非华裔,胜诉 (转载)Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at TSU
感谢我的日本吸能车又救了我一次 (请转车版)这里有没有留学中介啊
Sr SQL Server Developer/DBA needed in IrvingTSU学校怎么样?有白人学生吗?
Spring 2012 RA Opportunity in Transportation休士顿的小区都很不安全?
Summer 2012 RA Opportunity in Transportationhouston地区的biology PhD 工作机会?
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at TSU请教自费式访问学者怎么找offer!
RA Opportunities @ 德州南方大学(TSU),Department of Transportation Studies休斯敦2111 Holly Hall 1b/1b (一室一厅一卫) Apt. Sublease
话题: tsu话题: texas话题: university话题: ra