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TexasHoldem版 - omaha 8 (10) What a hand
omaha 8 (8) Wheelomaha 8 (4) 一个中心-Scoop
MSOP 2010 Event 17战报(4/17/2010) PLOomaha 8 (5) Ace and the nut game
Jungleman12正在大战Isildur1omaha 8 (11) All cards working together
其实衡量扑克水平的只有一个标准Limited Omaha 8 和 PLO 8 的策略区别?
Hellmuth杯具两次了...The biggest pot of online cash game - 1.3M
哈哈,关于omaha H/LMSOP 2010 Event 21战报(5/1/2010) PLO
Omaha 8 (1) why play大家来玩omaha吧
omaha 8 (3) 规则大家鼠标按多了, 手指痛有什么办法?
话题: position话题: holds话题: what话题: hand话题: omaha
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 839
下面这首牌出自Hellmuth's book "bad beat and lucky draws"
Game是PLO 希望你对四张牌有个概念
Small blind (SB): holds 5c-7c-8s-9s ($800)
Big blind (BB): holds 3d-5s-7s-8d ($1,000)
Position 1: under the gun, holds Ac-Ad-4c-4d ($600)
Position 2: Jeff Sparks holds Kd-Ks-10d-10s ($1,500)
Position 3: Holds As-Qs-Jh-9h ($2,000)
Position 4: Holds Kh-10h-6d-6c ($400)
Position one (P1) brought it in for $35 under the gun, and all
hands called, with good reasoning. The flop came down 10c-6s-4s.
The SB, w
发帖数: 1168
as long as everyone plays till the river,
the leader during the middle is really meaningless,
unless it's some made-nut.
for this hand, it's only a set, and u allow all to play till the end,
what % a set can win?
if u allow everyone plays to the river,
the drawing hand is so hard to calculate vs some many people,
wondering if that outs are holding by others or not.

【在 I**n 的大作中提到】
: 下面这首牌出自Hellmuth's book "bad beat and lucky draws"
: Game是PLO 希望你对四张牌有个概念
: ***********************
: Small blind (SB): holds 5c-7c-8s-9s ($800)
: Big blind (BB): holds 3d-5s-7s-8d ($1,000)
: Position 1: under the gun, holds Ac-Ad-4c-4d ($600)
: Position 2: Jeff Sparks holds Kd-Ks-10d-10s ($1,500)
: Position 3: Holds As-Qs-Jh-9h ($2,000)
: Position 4: Holds Kh-10h-6d-6c ($400)
: Position one (P1) brought it in for $35 under the gun, and all

发帖数: 839
You are right, that's why "Nut with redraw" is so important, what's why
you have to pick cards who work together from the every beginning.
One of the key concept in PLO is not that you can flop a nut or not, it's
whether or not your hand can take heat and go to the river.

【在 h****h 的大作中提到】
: as long as everyone plays till the river,
: the leader during the middle is really meaningless,
: unless it's some made-nut.
: for this hand, it's only a set, and u allow all to play till the end,
: what % a set can win?
: if u allow everyone plays to the river,
: the drawing hand is so hard to calculate vs some many people,
: wondering if that outs are holding by others or not.

发帖数: 19

【在 I**n 的大作中提到】
: 下面这首牌出自Hellmuth's book "bad beat and lucky draws"
: Game是PLO 希望你对四张牌有个概念
: ***********************
: Small blind (SB): holds 5c-7c-8s-9s ($800)
: Big blind (BB): holds 3d-5s-7s-8d ($1,000)
: Position 1: under the gun, holds Ac-Ad-4c-4d ($600)
: Position 2: Jeff Sparks holds Kd-Ks-10d-10s ($1,500)
: Position 3: Holds As-Qs-Jh-9h ($2,000)
: Position 4: Holds Kh-10h-6d-6c ($400)
: Position one (P1) brought it in for $35 under the gun, and all

发帖数: 839
一手牌的胜负本没什么意义 不过这首牌反映了omaha很多特点 还是值得思考的
1 (共1页)
大家鼠标按多了, 手指痛有什么办法?Hellmuth杯具两次了...
来讨论一手PLO哈哈,关于omaha H/L
MPT 2012 Event 11战报 (5/13/2012)Omaha 8 (1) why play
有木有搞错?omaha 8 (3) 规则
omaha 8 (8) Wheelomaha 8 (4) 一个中心-Scoop
MSOP 2010 Event 17战报(4/17/2010) PLOomaha 8 (5) Ace and the nut game
Jungleman12正在大战Isildur1omaha 8 (11) All cards working together
其实衡量扑克水平的只有一个标准Limited Omaha 8 和 PLO 8 的策略区别?
话题: position话题: holds话题: what话题: hand话题: omaha