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TexasHoldem版 - comparison about pokeryjj and soleeyeboy
a bad run for me奇迹十月小结 by goes
大家快点年度总结阿!7 buy-ins under EV
lol, you guys are desperate昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
说说我那段不堪回首的往事MTT高手被 stake
告诉你真实的 Downswinggoes rake back ranks 29th
30而立先生重出江湖Soleeyeboy has a downswing on HU sng
BOSTON地区 poker组织 --- Poker Night坑王
pokeryjj's report for March's super turbo sngso sick...
话题: soleeyeboy话题: pokeryjj话题: hu话题: games话题: play
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2063
1100 games for pokeryjj, wining 4k.
800 games for soleeyeboy, winning 400.
What the heck is that.
if I my EV goes that way for soleeyeboy, I bet he can not do much about it.
发帖数: 7793
embrace the variance...

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: 1100 games for pokeryjj, wining 4k.
: 800 games for soleeyeboy, winning 400.
: What the heck is that.
: if I my EV goes that way for soleeyeboy, I bet he can not do much about it.

发帖数: 7793
You don't play on one account as well as the other anyway just by EV line...
there is obviously more than just variance...
is that 3k$ for 1000 hand? sick.. NL100 or NL400 HU?

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: embrace the variance...
发帖数: 2063
Plus soleeye encounter a lot of huge downswings. At least two 500$
downswings, four $300+ downswings.
Consider the average winning rate for 1 game is only 1$, 500$ downswing is
just huge. I gona get heart attack.
But I did nothing wrong, the same play. But the luck runs like crap. Do not
know how many bad beats already.
From those curves you can tell everything.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: 1100 games for pokeryjj, wining 4k.
: 800 games for soleeyeboy, winning 400.
: What the heck is that.
: if I my EV goes that way for soleeyeboy, I bet he can not do much about it.

发帖数: 447
do you constantly switch between those two ids?

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: 1100 games for pokeryjj, wining 4k.
: 800 games for soleeyeboy, winning 400.
: What the heck is that.
: if I my EV goes that way for soleeyeboy, I bet he can not do much about it.

发帖数: 2063
You don't play on one account as well as the other anyway just by EV line...
there is obviously more than just variance...
发帖数: 2063
Yeah. I run 3 hours on pokeryjj. then rest. After 5 hours, I runs another 5
hours on soleeyeboy.
I only play Super turbo HU with soleeyeboy. I just occasionally play super
turbo HU with pokeryjj.

【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: do you constantly switch between those two ids?
发帖数: 15860
VERY easy to check your luck factor.
play pokeryjj on one PC and soleeyeboy from another, they go HU and shove
every hand, lol.

get around 10$/hour, which is ridiculous.)

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: You don't play on one account as well as the other anyway just by EV line...
: there is obviously more than just variance...

发帖数: 7793
HU SNG? what does that red line stand for then? it can't be all in EV...
btw if you only play super turbo with soleeyeboy and play others with
pokeryjj, how can their ROI be the same with different games? I think you
are just BSOing the earning.. lol
发帖数: 7793
我觉得他在bso.. hmmm

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: VERY easy to check your luck factor.
: play pokeryjj on one PC and soleeyeboy from another, they go HU and shove
: every hand, lol.
: ..
: I
: sick,
: get around 10$/hour, which is ridiculous.)

30而立先生重出江湖奇迹十月小结 by goes
BOSTON地区 poker组织 --- Poker Night7 buy-ins under EV
pokeryjj's report for March's super turbo sng昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
发帖数: 2063
I get so frustrated on soleeyeboy's games. Because I open it one week ago, I
put so many hours(yeah, 800 games already in just one week, compare I play
1100 games under pokeryjj using at least 3 weeks) into it. But the crap
gives me ridiculous downswings.
550$ downswing 2 times, As you may know, I play 35$ buyin games only, 550$
is equal to 15 games.
In HU sng, ppl only get 20 buyin for their entire bankroll. 15 games
downswing means that he is broken already.
It is so annoying and frustrating.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得他在bso.. hmmm
发帖数: 2063
red line stands for "show luck adjusted winnings"
Both IDs has done the filter already. Only 35$ super turbo HU sng.
Pokeryjj's data are super turbo 35$ buyin HU sng games only. Do not include
50$, 20$ buyin games.
I did put a lot of energy on my soleeyeboy ID, but stupid poor result makes
me so depressed.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: HU SNG? what does that red line stand for then? it can't be all in EV...
: btw if you only play super turbo with soleeyeboy and play others with
: pokeryjj, how can their ROI be the same with different games? I think you
: are just BSOing the earning.. lol

发帖数: 447
it is totally beside the point. but. soleeyeboy is not a chinese id?


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: red line stands for "show luck adjusted winnings"
: Both IDs has done the filter already. Only 35$ super turbo HU sng.
: Pokeryjj's data are super turbo 35$ buyin HU sng games only. Do not include
: 50$, 20$ buyin games.
: I did put a lot of energy on my soleeyeboy ID, but stupid poor result makes
: me so depressed.

发帖数: 7793
coppoia, i like your style.. ^_^

【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: it is totally beside the point. but. soleeyeboy is not a chinese id?
: include
: makes

发帖数: 447
if you are playing this way, even through with 2 ids, you are still one
person playing the same game. I think you only get into trouble when you
think of those two ids as seperate identities.
In fact, there is only you, one person, playing the same game. If you put
the data for both ids together, you will have a very normal looking graph
with up and downs. pokeryjj is not that lucky and soleeyeboy is not that
unlucky. It just happened that pokeryjj caught all the upswing and
soleeyeboy c

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: Yeah. I run 3 hours on pokeryjj. then rest. After 5 hours, I runs another 5
: hours on soleeyeboy.
: I only play Super turbo HU with soleeyeboy. I just occasionally play super
: turbo HU with pokeryjj.

发帖数: 7793
coppoia 对poker的理解很好.. 你在十么level发财啊?


【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: if you are playing this way, even through with 2 ids, you are still one
: person playing the same game. I think you only get into trouble when you
: think of those two ids as seperate identities.
: In fact, there is only you, one person, playing the same game. If you put
: the data for both ids together, you will have a very normal looking graph
: with up and downs. pokeryjj is not that lucky and soleeyeboy is not that
: unlucky. It just happened that pokeryjj caught all the upswing and
: soleeyeboy c

发帖数: 447
谢谢谢谢。 我有时候可能话多点。 论打牌和这里的牛人们不能比啦。 我打2-5
CENTS的。 超级MINI MICRO。 非常喜欢TEXAS HOLD'EM。 也打很多牌。 但一个月打
出来的钱比你一个星期的RAKEBACK 10% 都不到。 :)

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: coppoia 对poker的理解很好.. 你在十么level发财啊?
: put

发帖数: 7793
看一个人的帖就可以看出一个人对poker的理解到社么程度, 很多看似浅显的道理, 很多人打了很久其实还没理解... 看了好几个你的回帖, 我
觉的你真可以到高一点的级别打.. 从NL10 开始.. 有了bankroll 再升... 我年初还在
打NL10呢... 你很有希望...有社么hand history 也可以拿出来讨论...

【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢谢谢。 我有时候可能话多点。 论打牌和这里的牛人们不能比啦。 我打2-5
: CENTS的。 超级MINI MICRO。 非常喜欢TEXAS HOLD'EM。 也打很多牌。 但一个月打
: 出来的钱比你一个星期的RAKEBACK 10% 都不到。 :)

发帖数: 3932
maybe pokeryjj has more timidating data/notes from opponents' perspective an
d somehow it's easier to win. haha.
i guess more analysis is needed to figure out what's going on with soleeyebo
y. Does its allin/bluff get called more often or not? or simply just extreme
ly unlucky?


【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: if you are playing this way, even through with 2 ids, you are still one
: person playing the same game. I think you only get into trouble when you
: think of those two ids as seperate identities.
: In fact, there is only you, one person, playing the same game. If you put
: the data for both ids together, you will have a very normal looking graph
: with up and downs. pokeryjj is not that lucky and soleeyeboy is not that
: unlucky. It just happened that pokeryjj caught all the upswing and
: soleeyeboy c

发帖数: 447
上个星期开始打RUSH。 30 BUYIN 的 UP SWING。 straight up. 我还真的觉得自
己可以MOVE UP 到 NL10 了。 结果这个星期 20个BUYIN 的 DOWN SWING。 整
停了RUSH。 还是持续的输了几个BUYIN。 可能有些ON TILT 了。 现在也不明白到底是
怎么回事。 我差点儿就降级到NL2 去了。
今天刚刚缓过来。 慢慢打。 基本上可以保证WINNING SEASON 了。 以后碰到难打的牌

很多人打了很久其实还没理解... 看了好几个你的回帖, 我

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 看一个人的帖就可以看出一个人对poker的理解到社么程度, 很多看似浅显的道理, 很多人打了很久其实还没理解... 看了好几个你的回帖, 我
: 觉的你真可以到高一点的级别打.. 从NL10 开始.. 有了bankroll 再升... 我年初还在
: 打NL10呢... 你很有希望...有社么hand history 也可以拿出来讨论...

MTT高手被 stake坑王
goes rake back ranks 29thso sick...
Soleeyeboy has a downswing on HU sngftp取钱变快了?
发帖数: 2063
The 2 ids share the same Notes. Play almost exactly the same way.
That game depends a lot on lucky.
To be frank, it is a coin flip game. Usually, the winner's ITM rate is 52%--
If I can not win the biggest favor pot(such as: AA vs q2o, ak vs a3s). At
the same time, I lost most coin flips(such as: my a5o vs jqo, my jko vs
other's 78o) and lose all my underdog pot. The winning result will be
That red line does tell the stuff about luck.
Chinese ID means that ID is registered from Ch

【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: maybe pokeryjj has more timidating data/notes from opponents' perspective an
: d somehow it's easier to win. haha.
: i guess more analysis is needed to figure out what's going on with soleeyebo
: y. Does its allin/bluff get called more often or not? or simply just extreme
: ly unlucky?
: put

发帖数: 2063
Chinese ID means that id is registered from China.

【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: it is totally beside the point. but. soleeyeboy is not a chinese id?
: include
: makes

发帖数: 2063
You are right.
I need stay positive. Or I can move down a level for soleeyeboy.


【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: if you are playing this way, even through with 2 ids, you are still one
: person playing the same game. I think you only get into trouble when you
: think of those two ids as seperate identities.
: In fact, there is only you, one person, playing the same game. If you put
: the data for both ids together, you will have a very normal looking graph
: with up and downs. pokeryjj is not that lucky and soleeyeboy is not that
: unlucky. It just happened that pokeryjj caught all the upswing and
: soleeyeboy c

1 (共1页)
so sick...告诉你真实的 Downswing
如何判断自己打赢了某个limitBOSTON地区 poker组织 --- Poker Night
严重down swingpokeryjj's report for March's super turbo sng
a bad run for me奇迹十月小结 by goes
大家快点年度总结阿!7 buy-ins under EV
lol, you guys are desperate昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
说说我那段不堪回首的往事MTT高手被 stake
话题: soleeyeboy话题: pokeryjj话题: hu话题: games话题: play