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TexasHoldem版 - love LNKD
Can you lay down your set?guess what they have..
这牌有点难打今天fold了一把KK preflop
问2手牌 并求板砖其实俺只是伪坦克了10秒钟
周末在WV玩了(上)读fryking 有关驴的文章有感
这些情况下对方一般是什么牌呢?Don't flat 4 bet with AA
durrrr is over...i have made a decision
don't steal out of positiongood fold, lundon
话题: ipo话题: lnkd话题: hehe话题: go话题: like
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
better than AA and all-in pre, lol.
发帖数: 9164
maybe should save all money for facebook IPO then.
seems another tech bubble is coming...

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: better than AA and all-in pre, lol.
发帖数: 15860
it's for sure another bubble, and the beauty now is facebook is not IPO yet,
so all the imagination could go sky high, hehe.
i bought some before lunch, didn't even check stats at all, i knew for sure
it got some room to go up in days/weeks/months ... then after lunch, i was
40% up in an hour, easily beat my poor poker winnings for months, hehe,
lucky donk.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: maybe should save all money for facebook IPO then.
: seems another tech bubble is coming...

发帖数: 7793
a lot of room to go up?.. hehe.. if only money is this easy to be made.
$122 is probably the top for the whole year or even longer. feel sorry for
the guy who actually were caught on the top. too much greed. The only
people who guarantee to get rich are the ones actually were able to get
the initial offering price.
发帖数: 15860
i had the same worries when GOOG went IPO...
yeah, LNKD is not a solid product/service as GOOG, but as long as they want
to keep this social network sht warm or hot until facebook goes IPO, i think
the mass studipity will keep this up and up, hehe.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: a lot of room to go up?.. hehe.. if only money is this easy to be made.
: $122 is probably the top for the whole year or even longer. feel sorry for
: the guy who actually were caught on the top. too much greed. The only
: people who guarantee to get rich are the ones actually were able to get
: the initial offering price.

发帖数: 7793
Soon every one who bought this post ipo will be under water.
发帖数: 15860
under water? that's too optimistic, hehe, 5 years from now, it either gets
bought or disappears.
but, we only care for the $ we pocket, and move on. stock is only a tool for
today, this week, or next month.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Soon every one who bought this post ipo will be under water.
发帖数: 7793
if you took profit, just be happy about it that you didn't catch it on the
This is a pure gamble for short turn gains buying ipo on the first day
especially after it went up 100% at the open. It is not preflop all in with
AA and you are right. It is like all in preflop blind with ATC while the big
ticket holders are super users. Today you make couple K, tomorrow you lose
couple K, but the odds is against you. There is no easy money in stocks. If
you just go blindly buying a stock you don't really know about and thinking
that it will go higher >90% all the time, you will only go busto in the end~
~~ good luck trading~~~


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: under water? that's too optimistic, hehe, 5 years from now, it either gets
: bought or disappears.
: but, we only care for the $ we pocket, and move on. stock is only a tool for
: today, this week, or next month.

发帖数: 7793
by the way, i am not making predictions on how LNKD will go in the future.
I am just saying that it is way too optimistic to think buying a stock is
better than preflop AA all in without some research. Your chance of losing
is much higher than winning trading stock like this. Haven't poker not
taught you not to be result oriented? hehe~~ it can be easily applied to


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: if you took profit, just be happy about it that you didn't catch it on the
: top.
: This is a pure gamble for short turn gains buying ipo on the first day
: especially after it went up 100% at the open. It is not preflop all in with
: AA and you are right. It is like all in preflop blind with ATC while the big
: ticket holders are super users. Today you make couple K, tomorrow you lose
: couple K, but the odds is against you. There is no easy money in stocks. If
: you just go blindly buying a stock you don't really know about and thinking
: that it will go higher >90% all the time, you will only go busto in the end~
: ~~ good luck trading~~~

发帖数: 15860
lol, yes and no.
yes, stock trading is highly risky one for us donks. it has a lot of
gambling factors in it for us with limited resources/information/etc.
no, we can't simplify the situation since every IPO (prediction/timing/
valuation/etc.) is different. LNKD made a lot of day traders like me some
decent $, but this doesn't fool us to chase after every IPO like easy money
(as you said, no such thing at all), we're not that naive. for example,
tomorrow russian's google will go IPO but i'll not be crazy about it. we all
take calculated risks.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: by the way, i am not making predictions on how LNKD will go in the future.
: I am just saying that it is way too optimistic to think buying a stock is
: better than preflop AA all in without some research. Your chance of losing
: is much higher than winning trading stock like this. Haven't poker not
: taught you not to be result oriented? hehe~~ it can be easily applied to
: trading~~~
: with
: big
: lose

发帖数: 9164

lol. there are at least 4 more hot one coming, faceboook, tweeter,
groupon,zynga. It seems that these IPO stocks are non brainer money makers
Just read some article online. There are only about 10% active trader
making money,and about 90% trader lost most of their bank roll after first
year of trading. The percentage is kind of similiar to online poker.
Like Bill Chen said, poker players know they are gambling when
playing, but lots of stock trader do not know they are still gambling when
actually they are.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: lol, yes and no.
: yes, stock trading is highly risky one for us donks. it has a lot of
: gambling factors in it for us with limited resources/information/etc.
: no, we can't simplify the situation since every IPO (prediction/timing/
: valuation/etc.) is different. LNKD made a lot of day traders like me some
: decent $, but this doesn't fool us to chase after every IPO like easy money
: (as you said, no such thing at all), we're not that naive. for example,
: tomorrow russian's google will go IPO but i'll not be crazy about it. we all
: take calculated risks.

发帖数: 15860
i like this first one particularly, hehe, if they want to sell concepts like
this, early is way better than late, before a lot of them go IPO.
honestly, i don't use any of them or feel i need to (i could be wrong and
totally underestimate their values), for now, i only care "this hand". i'm
not an active trader at all or interested in this (i know my range, hehe).
under the surface, i guess this round of internet booming bs is not really
that different from the last one.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: lol. there are at least 4 more hot one coming, faceboook, tweeter,
: groupon,zynga. It seems that these IPO stocks are non brainer money makers
: now.
: Just read some article online. There are only about 10% active trader
: making money,and about 90% trader lost most of their bank roll after first
: year of trading. The percentage is kind of similiar to online poker.
: Like Bill Chen said, poker players know they are gambling when
: playing, but lots of stock trader do not know they are still gambling when
: actually they are.

发帖数: 9164

This is so scary. seems another storm is coming while this one has not
fully done yet.
Have to believe him that he comes out these prediction with some solid
evidence ,although we all hope he is wrong this time.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i like this first one particularly, hehe, if they want to sell concepts like
: this, early is way better than late, before a lot of them go IPO.
: honestly, i don't use any of them or feel i need to (i could be wrong and
: totally underestimate their values), for now, i only care "this hand". i'm
: not an active trader at all or interested in this (i know my range, hehe).
: under the surface, i guess this round of internet booming bs is not really
: that different from the last one.
: trader
: when

发帖数: 15860
i'm out long time ago, so no impact, hehe.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/06/06/bob-rodriguez-the-man
: This is so scary. seems another storm is coming while this one has not
: fully done yet.
: Have to believe him that he comes out these prediction with some solid
: evidence ,although we all hope he is wrong this time.
: like

1 (共1页)
good fold, lundon周末在WV玩了(上)
Rush中的偷盲/preflop raise这些情况下对方一般是什么牌呢?
yost, river bet个啥?durrrr is over...
My first $22 27 S&G in PS (5)don't steal out of position
Can you lay down your set?guess what they have..
这牌有点难打今天fold了一把KK preflop
问2手牌 并求板砖其实俺只是伪坦克了10秒钟
话题: ipo话题: lnkd话题: hehe话题: go话题: like