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TheStrait版 - Hillary Clinton: I want to see a woman president
美中恢复军事对话 美方乐观中方谨慎再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。
华尔街牛文又来了再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
馬 To Hillary: I am the president of Taiwan再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
Hillary Clinton: I want to see a woman president再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
Hillary Clinton: I want to see a woman president舔完半农,左霉又全力开舔罗姆尼
奥巴马可能搭档希拉里克林顿竞选今年总统啊This Is Why So Many Political Pundits Seem To Love Hillary Clinton
话题: clinton话题: she话题: hillary话题: president话题: woman
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3620
Hillary Clinton said at a conference Thursday that she would like to see a
female president before she dies — and had a little fun with the chatter
she knew it would provoke.
“Well, let me say this: Hypothetically speaking,” she said wryly, “I
really do hope that we have a woman president in my lifetime.”
The crowd applauded.
Clinton was speaking via video feed to a women’s lecture series in Toronto.
She urged women to step forward and be a part of the process, which she
admitted requires thick skin.
“You have to step up. You have to dare to compete. You have to get into the
process,” Clinton said. “And then as a country — our country has to take
that leap of faith.”
Backers of Clinton have already launched a super PAC laying the groundwork
for a potential 2016 presidential campaign, but the group hasn’t been
without its detractors.
1 (共1页)
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Hillary Clinton: If I lose, ‘it’s Ok ...奥巴马可能搭档希拉里克林顿竞选今年总统啊
美中恢复军事对话 美方乐观中方谨慎再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。
华尔街牛文又来了再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
馬 To Hillary: I am the president of Taiwan再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
Hillary Clinton: I want to see a woman president再次推荐Hillary's America和Clinton cash这两部电影。 (转载)
话题: clinton话题: she话题: hillary话题: president话题: woman