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Thoughts版 - On Love gabriel
LOVE and 道、德发一个唯美的视频: Still loving you
王力雄Think about it, Gabriel. Think about it. (转载)
I will always love you (转载)Think about it, Gabriel. Think about it.
bigsail 封某版版主 mitbbs 在 Love 版【英文翻唱系列】之Shattered by O.A.R.
13岁女孩患癌去世 镜子背后留3千字遗言鼓励家人音乐长驻-《The Music Never Stopped》
聂鲁达的一首诗i have loved you
still just love white men (转载)love
I Still Love YouHow to educate a 8 years old sweet daughter who "love" and "being loved" by her classmate boy
话题: love话题: gabriel话题: though话题: his话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 478
发信人: jibran (楚楚), 信区: Poetry
标 题: On Love
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat May 3 22:32:46 1997)
On Love
Then said Almitra, "Speak to us of Love."
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon
them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter
1 (共1页)
How to educate a 8 years old sweet daughter who "love" and "being loved" by her classmate boy13岁女孩患癌去世 镜子背后留3千字遗言鼓励家人
A good toy to learn letters and counting聂鲁达的一首诗
Take care of my cat for two months and get $400still just love white men (转载)
今日 八一八 奔一奔 听一听 普希的初恋I Still Love You
LOVE and 道、德发一个唯美的视频: Still loving you
王力雄Think about it, Gabriel. Think about it. (转载)
I will always love you (转载)Think about it, Gabriel. Think about it.
bigsail 封某版版主 mitbbs 在 Love 版【英文翻唱系列】之Shattered by O.A.R.
话题: love话题: gabriel话题: though话题: his话题: may