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Travel版 - AA ConciergeKey (转载)
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话题: aa话题: club话题: she话题: key
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发帖数: 1838
【 以下文字转载自 BackHome 讨论区 】
发信人: IronGiant (没), 信区: BackHome
标 题: AA ConciergeKey
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 4 01:06:47 2011, 美东)
最近刚看了“up in the air”,前半段印象最深的是George Clooney的AA
ConciergeKey card。
发帖数: 15232
what make you think asking this in another board will get you a sensible

I will now reveal to you that I, too, am a member of the exclusive, elite
Concierge Key Club. I received word of it in a congratulatory letter about a
year or so ago. I don't recall getting a card, but I probably have it
somewhere. I was very happy to be inducted into this august group, and very
curious about the new perks and privileges my newfound status would carry
with it. I couldn't wait to find out. I am still waiting.
As far as I can tell, membership in this, the most elevated in the American
Airlines frequent flyer cadre, grants you the following:
* An occasional greeting at the gate when you check in. One time, they
paged me from the podium. I went up to find out what it was all about,
fearing I had been bumped or something. No, there was an American Airlines
representative with a clipboard at the little kiosk that scans the tickets.
"Hello," she said. "I just wanted to tell you how happy we are that you are
flying with us." I said thanks. She inquired whether I would like to board
with the people in wheelchairs. I said not really. She said goodbye.
* Now and then, this same sort of official actually boards the plane
itself after we are seated, approaches me and once again expresses pleasure
that I am with them. I say thank you. He or she says no problemo and
inquires if there is anything they can do for me. One time, I asked, "Like
what?" The greeter said, "Well, nothing, really." Then we had a chuckle and
that was that. Those were the good old days, too. In fact, this greeting
phase has abated almost entirely now. The other day I was grieved to see
another business type getting the schmooze while I sat by myself,
unrecognized as a Key Club dignitary. This pissed me off a lot more than it
should have.
* No upgrades.
* No priority in getting a reservation.
* No actual, physical "Club" that one can visit.
* No presents, not even the luggage tags that one is awarded each year
as an Executive Platinum person.
* Some limited help getting rebooked when your flight is cancelled, but
only when you know the guys in the Admiral's Club, which remains a very nice
entity which I appreciate every time I travel. Hi, Admiral's Club dudes!
Keep up the good work!
* The ability to impress random fellow-travelers with your Key Club card
, resulting in passionate one-time hookups in moderately-priced chain motels.

【在 I*******t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 BackHome 讨论区 】
: 发信人: IronGiant (没), 信区: BackHome
: 标 题: AA ConciergeKey
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 4 01:06:47 2011, 美东)
: 最近刚看了“up in the air”,前半段印象最深的是George Clooney的AA
: ConciergeKey card。
: 很好奇,版上哪位同学有这个卡?详细说说?

发帖数: 1838


【在 s******x 的大作中提到】
: what make you think asking this in another board will get you a sensible
: answer?
: http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-aadvantage/687154-conci
: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121238800
: http://stanleybing.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2010/02/04/up-in-the-a
: I will now reveal to you that I, too, am a member of the exclusive, elite
: Concierge Key Club. I received word of it in a congratulatory letter about a
: year or so ago. I don't recall getting a card, but I probably have it
: somewhere. I was very happy to be inducted into this august group, and very

发帖数: 577

【在 I*******t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 BackHome 讨论区 】
: 发信人: IronGiant (没), 信区: BackHome
: 标 题: AA ConciergeKey
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 4 01:06:47 2011, 美东)
: 最近刚看了“up in the air”,前半段印象最深的是George Clooney的AA
: ConciergeKey card。
: 很好奇,版上哪位同学有这个卡?详细说说?

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(驴友)Columbus Day Long Weekend Fall Foliage关于定oahu的旅馆 有没有什么好推荐~
UA 退票后的credit问题我一般旅行都尽量避免座转机航班,不图省钱
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赞一个前人推荐的酒店升级经验,推荐分享Re: 9月末去黄石算不算晚?
话题: aa话题: club话题: she话题: key