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TrustInJesus版 - A Christian militia in America's midst
耶酥教导的末日即临的背景 (读书笔记) (为什么这贴兼主题被删?)WSJ:“人造全球暖化已经死了”
The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible奥巴马政府:纳税人应该帮助BP为漏油埋单
May 22 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book(转载)乖乖!Romney开始威胁选民了
[song] Holocaust of GiantsGlobal Warming ‘Experts’ Admit: We Lied
新泽西又抓到一名ISIS恐怖分子The Military Is Preparing For Peak Oil ....
Go file settlement claims: Airline flight from US to China (转载)关于辐射的签名, 如果关注请支持
Go file settlement claims: Airline flight from US to China[PS3]人气系列游戏摩托风暴最新作《摩托风暴:启示录》正式公开。索尼3D战略关键作品。
The $15 minimum wage was supposed to hurt New York City restaurants — but both revenue and employmenCBS orders full season of 'Jericho'
话题: christian话题: militia话题: america话题: midst话题: arrest
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6383
The arrest of Christian extremists in the midwest shows that the US has more
to worry about than simply homegrown jihadists
The recent resurgence of rightwing violence turned particularly bizarre and
creepy over the weekend.
Beginning Saturday evening, the FBI staged multiple raids across Michigan,
Indiana, and Ohio to arrest nine members of an apocalyptic Christian militia
who were allegedly conspiring to murder police officers, carry out
terrorist atrocities, and initiate a war against United
1 (共1页)
CBS orders full season of 'Jericho'新泽西又抓到一名ISIS恐怖分子
[梦]没有包子拿了,还是贡献一个梦Go file settlement claims: Airline flight from US to China (转载)
Survival MoviesGo file settlement claims: Airline flight from US to China
Slash - You're A Lie - Official FULL SONG (Apocalyptic Love 2012)The $15 minimum wage was supposed to hurt New York City restaurants — but both revenue and employmen
耶酥教导的末日即临的背景 (读书笔记) (为什么这贴兼主题被删?)WSJ:“人造全球暖化已经死了”
The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible奥巴马政府:纳税人应该帮助BP为漏油埋单
May 22 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book(转载)乖乖!Romney开始威胁选民了
[song] Holocaust of GiantsGlobal Warming ‘Experts’ Admit: We Lied
话题: christian话题: militia话题: america话题: midst话题: arrest