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TrustInJesus版 - 邪教害人啊
Daughter of Creflo Dollar, megachurch pastor, says alleged abuse 'was not the first time' during 911不能阻止他,我们就羞死他(Z)
给某只基补习英文系列 | Ind. megachurch pastor fired over 'a sin' with teenage girlZZ-A slow but certain demise------by Terry Sanderson
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话题: measles话题: vaccine话题: texas话题: facts话题: pearsons
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 801
Texas Megachurch At Center Of Measles Outbreak
Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. more than a decade ago. But in
recent years, the highly infectious disease has cropped up in communities
with low vaccination rates, most recently in North Texas.
There, 21 people — the majority of whom have not been immunized — have
gotten the disease, which began at a vaccine-skeptical megachurch.
The outbreak began when a man who contracted the virus on a recent trip to
Indonesia visited the Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, about
an hour and a half northwest of Dallas.
Earlier this week, crowds flooded in for regular services. Rose Mwangi had
her Bible in hand and said she's not worried "because I know Jesus is a
healer, so I know he's covered us with the blood...There's no place for fear
A Mixed Message
Eagle Mountain is led by pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons, the daughter of
televangelist Kenneth Copeland. Church leaders wouldn't grant interviews,
but Pearsons released a statement after the outbreak saying she isn't anti-
vaccine. But Pearsons added that she still has some reservations about
"The concerns we have had are primarily with very young children who have
family history of autism and with bundling too many immunizations at one
time," she said.
Pearsons set up vaccination clinics on church property, but at the same time
, when she preaches to her congregates, the message is for them to put their
faith in God.
"So I'm going to tell you what the facts are, and the facts are the facts,
but then we know the truth. That always overcomes facts," she has said.
The church has a vast ministry with international reach. Founder Kenneth
Copeland has spoken against vaccines in the past. In a 2010 broadcast,
Copeland expressed shock at the number of vaccines recommended for his
"You don't take the word of the guy that's trying to give the shot about
what's good and what isn't," he said.
A Fast-Spreading Contagion
Most of the Eagle Mountain parishioners — and all of the children — who
came down with measles had never been vaccinated.
Dr. Jason Terk, an infectious disease specialist in North Texas, says such
communities can spread a disease quickly.
"This is a good example, unfortunately, of how birds of a feather flock
together," Terk says. "If you have individuals who are vaccine-hesitant or
vaccine-hostile, they congregate together, and that creates its own unique
situation where a population of individuals is susceptible to getting the
very disease that they decided they don't want to protect themselves from."
Measles is spread by sneezing, coughing and close personal contact. It's one
of the most contagious diseases.
The vaccine is extremely effective. Before it was introduced in the 1960s,
nearly everyone got the red rash. Today, most doctors have never even seen a
case of the measles.
Vaccinating To Protect The Community
But in the last few years, there have been pockets of those who choose not
to vaccinate their children.
"When that decision's been made, it's been made on bad information," says Dr
. Paul Offit, one of the country's leading vaccine researchers at Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia.
"Typically, it's the fear that the combination measles-mumps-rubella, or MMR
vaccine may have in some way contributed to the epidemic of autism — which
has clearly been shown not to be true in study after study," Offit says. He
says those who choose to skip vaccines cause serious ripple effects.
There are hundreds of thousands of people in the United States who can't get
vaccinated because they're undergoing medical treatment or are too young,
for example.
"They depend on those around them to be vaccinated, and I think when you
make a choice not to vaccinate yourself or your children it is a selfish,
ill-founded choice that only can possibly hurt you or those who come in
contact with you."
Already this year, the U.S. has had more than twice as many reports of
measles than in all of 2012, when there were only 55 cases — and none in
Texas, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.
发帖数: 801
"So I'm going to tell you what the facts are, and the facts are the facts,
but then we know the truth. That always overcomes facts,"
发帖数: 801
14:34 妇 女 在 会 中 要 闭 口 不 言 , 像 在 圣 徒 的 众 教 会 一 样 。
因 为 不 准 她 们 说 话 。 她 们 总 要 顺 服 , 正 如 律 法 所 说 的 。
14:35 她 们 若 要 学 什 么 , 可 以 在 家 里 问 自 己 的 丈 夫 。 因 为
妇 女 在 会 中 说 话 原 是 可 耻 的 。
发帖数: 18304
发帖数: 38403

【在 s*********a 的大作中提到】
: Texas Megachurch At Center Of Measles Outbreak
: http://www.npr.org/2013/09/01/217746942/texas-megachurch-at-cen
: Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. more than a decade ago. But in
: recent years, the highly infectious disease has cropped up in communities
: with low vaccination rates, most recently in North Texas.
: There, 21 people — the majority of whom have not been immunized — have
: gotten the disease, which began at a vaccine-skeptical megachurch.
: The outbreak began when a man who contracted the virus on a recent trip to
: Indonesia visited the Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, about
: an hour and a half northwest of Dallas.

发帖数: 8775

【在 s*********a 的大作中提到】
: Texas Megachurch At Center Of Measles Outbreak
: http://www.npr.org/2013/09/01/217746942/texas-megachurch-at-cen
: Measles was declared eliminated in the U.S. more than a decade ago. But in
: recent years, the highly infectious disease has cropped up in communities
: with low vaccination rates, most recently in North Texas.
: There, 21 people — the majority of whom have not been immunized — have
: gotten the disease, which began at a vaccine-skeptical megachurch.
: The outbreak began when a man who contracted the virus on a recent trip to
: Indonesia visited the Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, about
: an hour and a half northwest of Dallas.

发帖数: 6042

【在 J*******g 的大作中提到】
: 反基可以吧任何跟基督教相关的稍微负面一点的新闻,冠上这个名字了。
: 人家得个麻疹有什么大不了的。
: 世界上其他的负面消息对反基来说都不要紧,反基是头等要务。

发帖数: 38403

【在 G*M 的大作中提到】
: 你疯了吧!麻疹消灭了那么多年出现这种事没什么大不了?
1 (共1页)
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Daughter of Creflo Dollar, megachurch pastor, says alleged abuse 'was not the first time' during 911不能阻止他,我们就羞死他(Z)
给某只基补习英文系列 | Ind. megachurch pastor fired over 'a sin' with teenage girlZZ-A slow but certain demise------by Terry Sanderson
Over 12,000 People Attend San Diego Megachurch's Christmas 'Toys for Joy' Giveaway基督徒不能回答的問題 (九) 器官移植
话题: measles话题: vaccine话题: texas话题: facts话题: pearsons