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USANews版 - best comment i read about healthcare bill
This is great!Obesity Rates Jump in 28 States, Report Shows
Sales Bang: Black Friday Biggest Day for Gun SalesOhio Man Cites Obesity as Reason to Delay Execution
民主党议员要求国土部要特别保护变性非法移民 (转载)Let’s Lie!
Re: 美国轰炸,习在建设,中国等美国死亡?美国有明白人,哈哈(转载)Michelle ‘I Can’t Stop Eating French Fries’
给钢铝加进口税不包括墨西哥不是有病吗Re: 孙维这事应该算cyber bully (转载)
Michelle Obama's threat to national securityNY肥胖率上升25%
Obesity in Pregnant WomenObesity to be classed as disability, top euro judge rules
话题: read话题: who话题: hasn话题: healthcare话题: comment
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9531
Now, let me get this straight.....They want to pass a health care plan
written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed
by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be
signed by a President that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding
administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes…all to be
overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's
nearly broke.
And the American public is against it? Weird…
1 (共1页)
Obesity to be classed as disability, top euro judge rulesRe: 美国轰炸,习在建设,中国等美国死亡?美国有明白人,哈哈(转载)
$466,642 Federal Study: Why Do Fat Girls Get Fewer Dates?给钢铝加进口税不包括墨西哥不是有病吗
美帝大学ok:以后不能用American了 (转载)Michelle Obama's threat to national security
第一夫人蜜雪儿出什么事儿了么?Obesity in Pregnant Women
This is great!Obesity Rates Jump in 28 States, Report Shows
Sales Bang: Black Friday Biggest Day for Gun SalesOhio Man Cites Obesity as Reason to Delay Execution
民主党议员要求国土部要特别保护变性非法移民 (转载)Let’s Lie!
话题: read话题: who话题: hasn话题: healthcare话题: comment