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USANews版 - 哥大的傻差学生还不少啊
Shooting at Raleigh, NC, Mall4 Dead, 3 State Troopers Injured After Blair County Church Shooting
情感纠纷 女枪手杀bf 再自杀只看到肛男滥杀无辜了,什么时候反抗暴政啊?
BLM: NBA rookie shot to deathBama Talks Gun Control in Chicago; Six Shot, One Dead Afterward
美国又一个泡沫要破了 (转载)Life in Obama’s Chicago
Obama的班加西门这个中国枪手是不是本站的,汽车bumper sticker上贴着 (转载)
主张禁枪的,进来看,事实说话。 (转载)Nine-Year-Old Boy Shot to Death in Chicago; Obama, Holder, Sharpton Unavailable for Comment
话题: maschek话题: students话题: who话题: columbia话题: rotc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town hall meeting
on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus, the New York Post reported
Some students yelled "Racist!" at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia freshman and
former army staff sergeant who was awarded the Purple Heart after being shot
11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008.
Maschek, 28, bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday to issue an impassioned
challenge to fellow students on their perceptions of the military.
"It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you
feel about fighting," said Maschek. "There are bad men out there plotting to
kill you."
Several students laughed and jeered the Idaho native, a 10th Mountain
Division infantryman who spent two years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
in Washington recovering from grievous wounds.
Maschek, who is studying economics, miraculously survived the insurgent
attack in Kirkuk. In the hail of gunfire, he broke both legs and suffered
wounds to his abdomen, arm and chest. He enrolled in August at the Ivy
League school, where an increasingly ugly battle is unfolding over the 42-
year military ban there.
More than half of the students who spoke at the meeting -- the second of
three hearings on the subject -- expressed opposition to ROTC's return.
The university created a task force to poll 10,000 students on the issue but
declined to release the vote tally of the 1,300 who so far responded.
1 (共1页)
Nine-Year-Old Boy Shot to Death in Chicago; Obama, Holder, Sharpton Unavailable for Comment美国又一个泡沫要破了 (转载)
Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied主张禁枪的,进来看,事实说话。 (转载)
Shooting at Raleigh, NC, Mall4 Dead, 3 State Troopers Injured After Blair County Church Shooting
情感纠纷 女枪手杀bf 再自杀只看到肛男滥杀无辜了,什么时候反抗暴政啊?
BLM: NBA rookie shot to deathBama Talks Gun Control in Chicago; Six Shot, One Dead Afterward
话题: maschek话题: students话题: who话题: columbia话题: rotc