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USANews版 - Obama Commerce Nominee: U.S. Has 'Obligation to Lead' on Climate Change Legislation
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话题: bryson话题: climate话题: change话题: commerce
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
By Matt Cover
(CNSNews.com) – John Bryson, President Barack Obama's nominee to be
secretary of commerce, said it was “incredibly important” that the United
States pass cap and trade legislation and that America needed to be a global
leader in combating man-made global warming.
“I regard it as incredibly important that the United States comes forth in
this year with federal climate change legislation as a foundation for moving
ahead,” Bryson told the U.N. International Energy Conference in late
August 2009. “I think we in the U.S. have an obligation to assist in
significant ways in providing leadership in this community of nations that
you represent and addressing energy and climate change.”
Bryson, in stating “in this year,” was speaking about the U.N. Climate
Change Conference scheduled for December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Formerly the CEO of Edison International, Bryson has long been an advocate
of some sort of federal plan for regulating greenhouse gasses. While still
at Edison, he called for a national cap and trade system.
Under cap and trade, in general, the amount of carbon an industry could emit
into the air would be capped. For companies that expect to exceed that cap,
they could buy (“trade”) carbon credits to supposedly offset their
emissions; the money spent for the credit would be redirected to supposedly
greener, less polluting companies.
“A deliberate and coordinated effort is needed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions across the entire energy sector,” Bryson said in a July 2004
Edison press release.
“Long term, a reasonable and balanced ‘cap-and-trade’ system for reducing
carbon dioxide emissions could be adopted once new carbon- dioxide removal
technology has been developed and becomes commercially available.”
Bryson, a co-founder of the liberal environmentalist group Natural Resources
Defense Council, was most recently a member of the United Nations’
Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change, a panel of scientific and
industry experts tasked with providing advice on combating global warming.
Bryson’s nomination to head Commerce must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
1 (共1页)
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左棍要禁烟花Global warming stopped 16 years ago
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话题: bryson话题: climate话题: change话题: commerce