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USANews版 - 纽约一所中学改变打分规则,让不及格的学生毕业,之前得到6百万美元额外资金用来转型
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DNC fires Obama campaign staffer for assisting voter fraud attempttrump v5:GOP的金主们可能要给反trump组织停钱了
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New York School's Rules Give Failing Kids Credits Toward Graduation
Published October 09, 2011
A low-performing Manhattan high school that was granted up to $6 million in
extra funds to undergo a “transformation” has found the secret formula for
success: Dumb down the requirements for students to pass.
At Washington Irving HS, near Union Square, administrators have approved new
grading policies that give failing kids credits toward graduation.
The policies -- which one expert blasted as “approved cheating” -- are
spelled out in documents obtained by The Post, including the 2011-12 staff
handbook and minutes of a meeting last October between Principal Bernardo
Ascona and assistant principals who make up the school’s Panel for Academic
Under the rules:
* Students who get failing scores of 50 to 55 in class will “automatically
” get 15 points for a passing 65 to 70 grade if they pass a Regents exam.
Kids who score a minimum 65 on the Regents “should receive a passing grade
” in the class. The same practice forced a Bronx principal to resign.
* A final grade of 60 to 64 “will be changed automatically” to a passing
* Students who fail a class “will be assigned ... a work product not to
exceed five pages” or “alternative project.” Livid teachers say pupils
who cut class or blew off studying get a “packet” of work or take an
online multiple-choice “credit recovery” program.
“The message is loud and clear: Don’t worry if you don’t attend school --
we’ll just give you an easy way to make up the credit,” a staffer said.
“What does that say to the kids who actually do the class work, tests,
projects and homework?”
David Bloomfield, an education professor at Brooklyn College, said such
policies make a mockery of “real learning and subject mastery.”
“This is simply a phony process for getting kids undeserved credits,” he
Ascona would not answer questions about the policies.
The city Department of Education said officials will review the school’s
grading practices. The DOE is auditing 60 unnamed schools to look for lax
scoring and credit-granting.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/09/new-york-schools-rules-give-failing-kids-credits-toward-graduation/?test=latestnews#ixzz1aNfFPiYz
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snowpersonFemale aides fretted Franks wanted to have sex to impregna
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巴马现在拒绝回床铺的电话SFFA 来信让大家去投票选一个新领导 (转载)
DNC fires Obama campaign staffer for assisting voter fraud attempttrump v5:GOP的金主们可能要给反trump组织停钱了
NY Democrat Wanted Staffer to ‘Dress in a Sexy Way Like This 14-Year-Old’Rubio程序编好了,不会走下三路了
话题: kids话题: school话题: who话题: policies话题: class