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USANews版 - "If you think that isn't an agony for this child, please think again"
How the NFL Lost to TrumpIf You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
【辟谣】华州法案不是 AA,只是自私的人妄图独占资源Obama in 2002: Toppling Brutal Dictator a ‘Dumb War’
Stormy Daniel 和Jessica drake都是 Wicked公司的John Quincy Adams' One Paragraph Lesson on Islam
San Jose police officers brutally beat down handcuffed student转 UC Davis Pepper Spray Video Outrages The World
economist.com中国的领导人在顾虑什么?Chicago Called Most Corrupt City In Nation
Democracy was raped in California"It’s an amazing show of balls by The One"
Brutal Austerity Leads To… ?Media censored seven hate crime mob attacks in Grand Rapids
话题: think话题: agony话题: wicked话题: isn话题: child
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Dr. Anthony Levatino clinically goes through a procedure too many of us
would rather ignore, too many of us think is far from a big deal, too many
of us think is merely the exercise of a woman's constitutional right to
I dare you to listen to this entire video and not think about the horrific
things that use to take place in Nazi death camps.
I. Dare. You.
H/T to Mr. Archbold at Creative Minority Report who writes in part:
... this is new and pretty darn frightening...
What is is in reality is wicked. Plain and simple. Wicked.
And people who defend this are as wicked.
It's as plain and simple.
1 (共1页)
Media censored seven hate crime mob attacks in Grand RapidsSan Jose police officers brutally beat down handcuffed student
You know times are tough...economist.com中国的领导人在顾虑什么?
ABC releases bloody photo of Zimmerman's head (UPDATED)Democracy was raped in California
Fighting voter fraud hurts Obama's re-election chances.Brutal Austerity Leads To… ?
How the NFL Lost to TrumpIf You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
【辟谣】华州法案不是 AA,只是自私的人妄图独占资源Obama in 2002: Toppling Brutal Dictator a ‘Dumb War’
Stormy Daniel 和Jessica drake都是 Wicked公司的John Quincy Adams' One Paragraph Lesson on Islam
话题: think话题: agony话题: wicked话题: isn话题: child