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USANews版 - 侯赛因被指出和希特勒斯大林毛泽东是同类
libtard到底支持不支持family value?Pro-Life Family No Longer Forced to Pay Obamacare 'Abortion Surcharge'
Funnest tweet today(zt)Trump 和 Chris 关于 abortion的问题
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Pro-life, really?killing babies is OK... oh but walls are immoral!
一条龙服务, 不光避孕要免费,流产也要免费为什么右派领导美国是灾难 例子来了 (转载)
历史总是会惊人的相似 (转载)Average price of 4-year university up 15 percent
话题: agana话题: obama话题: she话题: abortion话题: mao
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发帖数: 4091
Ryan challenger compares Obama to Hitler, Mao
Published: Tue, August 7, 2012 @ 12:00 a.m.
GOP candidate Marisha Agana’s ‘tweets’ about president catch national
Marisha Agana
By David Skolnick
s******[email protected]
Republican Marisha Agana, challenging U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan for his
congressional seat, compared President Barack Obama to Joseph Stalin, Adolf
Hitler and Mao Zedong in a Twitter message.
Agana “tweeted” at 10:32 a.m. Sunday: “Beware of people who rose
meteorically from nowhere like Obama. His agenda has been carefully planned
4 him!!!”
Four minutes later, she tweeted: “History has a way of repeating itself:
Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and now Obama!!!”
Larry Nichols, her campaign manager, said Agana, a Howland pediatrician,
said he is “excited she screwed up because it’s bringing out an issue we
could [discuss] with Marisha at the forefront. She is very much against
The tweets are catching the attention of the national media, including
Politico, a political website, and The Washington Post.
Nichols, who has a long history as one of former President Bill Clinton’s
most outspoken critics, said Agana was “trying to say if you believe in
abortion, you’re in a group of people who believe in genocide. I’m sorry
she didn’t get to say her whole thought. She shouldn’t have done it
through Twitter. She opened her mouth on Twitter and didn’t say the whole
In a statement posted on her Facebook account, Agana, who is running for
political office for the first time, said, “I’m 100 percent against
abortion and I’m excited this issue has come to the forefront of my
campaign. I hope all of you understand my position on abortion better now
and why I put national leaders that believe in and support abortion into a
special group of leaders who have either committed or supported genocide.”
Her statement misspelled Obama’s first and middle names — “Barrack
Hussain” rather than Barack Hussein.
After someone tweeted a response to Agana comparing the Democratic president
to Stalin, Hitler and Mao, she wrote at 11:02 a.m. Sunday: “the Blood of
thousands of unborn children r in his hands.......”
In response to another Twitter user, Agana tweeted at 9:48 a.m. Monday: “I
am sorry if I made a poor choice of analogy but I was referring to his pro-
abortion stance!”
Wiley Runnestrand, Ryan’s campaign manager, declined to comment on Agana’s
But Mahoning County Democratic Party Chairman David Betras said, “You can’
t fix crazy ... I think they should bring more of these ideas out to
Mahoning Valley voters. Her campaign manager is ‘excited.’ Well, there you
Ryan and Agana are running in the new 13th Congressional District, which
largely consists of the current 17th, including most of Mahoning and
Trumbull counties.
The boundary lines were changed through redistricting and take effect after
the November general election.
Abortion was allowed to remain a legal process in some cases after the U.S.
Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973 that came down on the
side of a woman’s right to privacy and due process under the 14th Amendment
. Obama was elected as a U.S. senator in 2004 and president in 2008.
发帖数: 3803
very good analogy,
the difference is Hit and Mao earned their status by their huge efforts.
Oclunker has whatever handed over to him - he deserves nothing, a foodstamp
bubblehead in vitro.
1 (共1页)
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Funnest tweet today(zt)Trump 和 Chris 关于 abortion的问题
话题: agana话题: obama话题: she话题: abortion话题: mao