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USANews版 - Idiotic Complaints About MItt Romney's Tax Stratagies
Romney 是黑鬼!Mitt Romney缺乏领袖风范
Company sitting on 2T cash, and they are NOT hiring.今天谁赢了?
now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romneyRick Perry paints Mitt Romney as job killer
Romney 是没戏了Romney看来要轻取NH
Bloomberg is going to be the next president of USAMitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369.
Mitt Romney的竞选广告和撒切尔夫人时代竞选广告很相似的感觉...newt is over after tonight
Corportations are people too###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
话题: romney话题: idiotic话题: tax话题: mitt话题: complaints
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
The idiocy of the complaints of people ranting and raving about Mitt Romney
strategically placing money in offshore accounts is mind boggling.
Romney, legally moving income to protect it from the odious U.S. tax system
is not unpatriotic. It's smart. Smarter than the mindless bloviators who
complain and question his dedication to America.
Here's a guarantee. Every person across the U.S. who accuses Romney of being
unpatriotic for legally avoiding taxation are all taking every legal
deduction and credit they can to keep from paying taxes.
There's not a single Romney tax critic who wouldn't jump for joy if they
found a way to avoid paying any taxes. Political creepiness is reaching an
all time high. This final statement is to liberals, conservatives and every
political persuasion in between.
Follow your own line of reasoning to a logical conclusion before shouting or
writing it. That way if it turns out to be idiotic, it won't go down in
recorded history.
For conservatives, that's so we don't look as stupid as liberals. For
liberals it's so they won't continue to be idiotic and will be less
发帖数: 4321
Smart my ass. For his bottom line he's smart to use any tax evasion measures
. But he is running for president. He got to show people how he can deal
with issue head on so that middle class will grow stronger. He needs to
explain why his tax evasion overseas will help him to achieve this goal.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.5

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: The idiocy of the complaints of people ranting and raving about Mitt Romney
: strategically placing money in offshore accounts is mind boggling.
: Romney, legally moving income to protect it from the odious U.S. tax system
: is not unpatriotic. It's smart. Smarter than the mindless bloviators who
: complain and question his dedication to America.
: Here's a guarantee. Every person across the U.S. who accuses Romney of being
: unpatriotic for legally avoiding taxation are all taking every legal
: deduction and credit they can to keep from paying taxes.
: There's not a single Romney tax critic who wouldn't jump for joy if they
: found a way to avoid paying any taxes. Political creepiness is reaching an

发帖数: 1217
He can hire lobbyists to ask congress to create more loopholes for him so he
can legally evade tax. Meanwhile, middle class people are taxed far greater
percentage than him and becoming working poor.
1 (共1页)
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Company sitting on 2T cash, and they are NOT hiring.今天谁赢了?
now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romneyRick Perry paints Mitt Romney as job killer
Romney 是没戏了Romney看来要轻取NH
话题: romney话题: idiotic话题: tax话题: mitt话题: complaints