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USANews版 - Gay-related immune deficiency传染给更多的人,于是就改名为AIDS
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话题: gay话题: aids话题: kaposi话题: sarcoma话题: among
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发帖数: 7299
Gay-related immune deficiency
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) (sometimes informally called the gay
plague) was the 1982 name first proposed to describe an "unexpected cluster
of cases"[1] of what is now known as AIDS,[2] after public health scientists
noticed clusters of Kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia among gay
males in Southern California and New York City.[1]
During the early history of AIDS, when it was considered a disease of
homosexual men, one physician suggested that male homosexuals reconsider the
practice of engaging in anonymous sex.[3]
An ad hoc organization called Gay Men's Health Crisis was founded to combat
what appeared to be a homosexual-only disease produced by sexual promiscuity
, intravenous drug use, and/or usage of poppers. Soon after, clusters of
Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia were also reported among
Haitians recently entering the United States[4] and hemophiliacs, among
female sexual partners of AIDS patients, and among blood transfusion
recipients with no obvious risk factors.
The term AIDS (for acquired immune deficiency syndrome) was proposed in 1982
[5] by researchers concerned with the accuracy of the disease's name. In
this new name, scientists were supported by political figures who realized
that the term "gay-related" did not fully encompass the demographics of the
disease. On April 23, 1984, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary announced at a press conference that the probable cause of AIDS
had been discovered: the retrovirus subsequently named human
immunodeficiency virus or HIV in 1986.
See also
Timeline of early AIDS cases
^ a b "A Cluster of Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia
among Homosexual Male Residents of Los Angeles and Orange Counties,
California. MMWR, 31(23);305-7 (June 18, 1982)". Retrieved 2007-01-24.
^ "The History of AIDS and ARC" at the LSU Law Center
^ 'Dr. Lawrence D. Mass, a New York City physician, said that "gay
people whose life style consists of anonymous sexual encounters are going to
have to do some serious rethinking."' NY Times, 1982-05-011
^ "Opportunistic Infections and Kaposi's Sarcoma among Haitians in the
United States, MMWR, 31(26);353-4,360-1 (July 09, 1982)". Retrieved 2007-01-
^ "Time Magazine: Living With GRID: Personal Journey ". 2003-03-23.
Archived from the original on 2003-04-04.
Shilts, Randy. And the Band Played On. 1987.
"The 1980s: Outing by AIDS," pp. 137–167. Johansson, Warren & Percy,
William A. Outing: Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence. Harrington Park
Press, 1994.
发帖数: 3726
Gay does not equal to AIDS.
Be open minded, your children or my children might be gay or lesbian. You
want then to live in the shadow under discrimination forever?
I am not pro-gay, not anti-gay either. I am pro-choice, they do whatever
they want. They wanna have sex then get HIV? Then so be it. They are all
grown ass men, they should know the consequences being promiscuous. If my
child is gay, I will tell him all the consequences, but it's up to him who
will determine his own life.


【在 m**c 的大作中提到】
: Gay-related immune deficiency
: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
: Jump to: navigation, search
: Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) (sometimes informally called the gay
: plague) was the 1982 name first proposed to describe an "unexpected cluster
: of cases"[1] of what is now known as AIDS,[2] after public health scientists
: noticed clusters of Kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia among gay
: males in Southern California and New York City.[1]
: During the early history of AIDS, when it was considered a disease of
: homosexual men, one physician suggested that male homosexuals reconsider the

发帖数: 1996
反gay marriage的暂且不谈,反gay行为、反感gay people的可以先看看切尼大叔是怎

【在 a**********2 的大作中提到】
: Gay does not equal to AIDS.
: Be open minded, your children or my children might be gay or lesbian. You
: want then to live in the shadow under discrimination forever?
: I am not pro-gay, not anti-gay either. I am pro-choice, they do whatever
: they want. They wanna have sex then get HIV? Then so be it. They are all
: grown ass men, they should know the consequences being promiscuous. If my
: child is gay, I will tell him all the consequences, but it's up to him who
: will determine his own life.
: cluster

发帖数: 7299
Gay does not equal to AIDS.过去是.
your children or my children might be gay or lesbian.所以你支持剥夺gay治

【在 a**********2 的大作中提到】
: Gay does not equal to AIDS.
: Be open minded, your children or my children might be gay or lesbian. You
: want then to live in the shadow under discrimination forever?
: I am not pro-gay, not anti-gay either. I am pro-choice, they do whatever
: they want. They wanna have sex then get HIV? Then so be it. They are all
: grown ass men, they should know the consequences being promiscuous. If my
: child is gay, I will tell him all the consequences, but it's up to him who
: will determine his own life.
: cluster

发帖数: 3726
In medicine, homosexuality is not listed as a disease anymore, it's just a
sexual orientation.
What is your point? You are gonna kill all gay people? So if your child is
gay, you are gonna kill him? If your child has gay classmates, you are gonna
kill them? Be open minded and stop hatred.

【在 m**c 的大作中提到】
: Gay does not equal to AIDS.过去是.
: gay把全世界都污染了,所以自己的肮脏就不是特点了,它们正在这么做!
: your children or my children might be gay or lesbian.所以你支持剥夺gay治
: 疗的基本权利.

1 (共1页)
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话题: gay话题: aids话题: kaposi话题: sarcoma话题: among