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USANews版 - U.S. ‘Worried’ Muslims Might Freak Out Over ‘Zero Dark Thirty’
London bombing shows danger of Islamification in Britain and Europe. Is the US next?荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话
A Koran, and Free Speech, In FlamesMuslims fail again
为什么穆斯林仇恨我们?Allah; hateful, sadistic & evil
巴拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马的穆斯林童年Lee Smith:开罗和班加西的抗议并不是真的针对一部电影
TRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列More Blasphemy! by wheatington
不接受穆斯林移民的法律依据Yes, Virginia, FGM is Islamic
Michelle Malkin:穆斯林永恒性大发烈怒I won’t be a dictator! Hahaha!!!
Wilders not guilty on all counts - UpdateNew Handbook for US Military
话题: muslims话题: zero话题: dark话题: thirty话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Maybe those Obama administration members shouldn’t have divulged national
security secrets to the film-makers considering how violent Islamists can
get over videos.
Oh, wait…
Could the release of “Zero Dark Thirty” provoke violent protests
against the U.S. in response to the film’s searing depictions of “enhanced
interrogation” — the coercive, super-secret and bitterly debated methods
used by the CIA against al Qaeda terrorism suspects?
Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow’s acclaimed docudrama about the
pursuit of Osama bin Laden opened Wednesday at five theaters in New York and
Los Angeles.
The film, an early Oscar favorite, graphically depicts coercive CIA
interrogation techniques, including the waterboarding, domination and
psychosexual humiliation of a detainee, who is, variously, collared and
leashed like a dog, stuffed into a cramped “confinement box” and stripped
naked for questioning in the presence of a female investigator.
Although the portrayal of such treatment given to a prisoner, regardless
of his religion, may be deemed offensive by viewers of any faith, the film
steers clear of depicting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad or showing the Koran
being desecrated — two acts considered blasphemous by many Muslims.
Muslims have expressed outrage in response to the anti-Islam video “
Innocence of Muslims,” the unintentional burning of Korans and a caricature
of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper.
They find something every day to be outrageously outraged over, don’t they?
Claims that the Obama administration provided the “Zero Dark Thirty”
filmmakers special access to high-level national security officials and
shared sensitive information about the bin Laden raid have led to an
internal Pentagon investigation of suspected security leaks.
So if anything happens we can blame Obama.
1 (共1页)
New Handbook for US MilitaryTRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列
奥巴马:“sweetest sound is Muslim call to prayer”不接受穆斯林移民的法律依据
和平教的“和平”是撒谎Michelle Malkin:穆斯林永恒性大发烈怒
Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful IdiotsWilders not guilty on all counts - Update
London bombing shows danger of Islamification in Britain and Europe. Is the US next?荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话
A Koran, and Free Speech, In FlamesMuslims fail again
为什么穆斯林仇恨我们?Allah; hateful, sadistic & evil
巴拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马的穆斯林童年Lee Smith:开罗和班加西的抗议并不是真的针对一部电影
话题: muslims话题: zero话题: dark话题: thirty话题: obama