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USANews版 - Ex-Burglars Admit Gun Owner-Outing Map Helps Criminals
Report: Journal News Map-listed Guns and Permits Stolen From Rockland County Home犹他高中 USA flag destroyed, replaced with 'ISIS flag'
黑客对Journal News都看不过去了带枪警卫绝对有用,对比上次枪击国会议员就知道了
Killing of 3 teens during burglary may test Oklahoma 'stand your ground' lawchangeisgood 封 SteelDragon 在 USANews 版 (转载)
纽约一家报纸公布两县所有有手枪证的家庭姓名地址 (转载)Gun Control Works! Six Shot in Chicago Overnight
纳税人支付Burglar的Cell Phone Bill: $55,000David Axelrod Blames Chicago Murder Rate on People in ‘Surrounding Areas’
NY State Senator Unloads on Journal-News for Publishing Gun Permit DataUse your voice or lose your guns
听希拉里的演讲,我流泪了。民主党黑女议员: "黑帮混混无罪,必须大力控枪"
Ban all knifes! Hopkins Student Uses Sword to Kill IntrudeSebelius Admits People Will Pay More for ObamaCare
话题: gun话题: criminals话题: news话题: map话题: owners
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
January 6, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
Fox News recently reported that ex-crooks are denouncing the New York paper
that published the names and addresses of thousands of the state’s gun
owners saying that publishing the information was nothing less than a road
map for criminals planning home invasions and burglaries.
In the last half of December, the Journal News a small paper in suburban
Westchester, New York, published an interactive map featuring the names and
addresses of the gun owners in Rockland County. This information, the ex-
burglars say, presents criminals with a ready list of easy targets.
“That was the most asinine article I’ve ever seen,” said Walter T.
Shaw, 65, a former burglar and jewel thief who the FBI blames for more than
3,000 break-ins that netted some $70 million in the 1960s and 1970s. “
Having a list of who has a gun is like gold – why rob that house when you
can hit the one next door, where there are no guns?
“What they did was insanity,” added Shaw, author of “License to Steal
,” a book about his criminal career.
The map of gun owners’ homes also gives those crooks specifically
interested in stealing guns a roadmap for their criminal enterprises.
After all, it is not legal, law-abiding gun owners, but criminals using
stolen or illegal weapons that perpetrate crimes. And here the paper has
given a ready-made list to those who might want to find guns that can’t be
traced back to the criminals through legal records.
“That’s one of the first things we’d check out — guns are on the top of
the list of what you want to steal,” another former thief told Fox News. “
They can walk out with a shotgun and a couple of handguns and sell them on
the street for $300 or $400 a pop. They can sell them to a gangbanger who
ends up killing someone.”
Regardless of the danger the Journal News brought to its community, it has
promised to try and print the names and addresses of even more legal gun
The paper targeted nearby Putnam County but officials there have refused to
release the information.
发帖数: 7340


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: January 6, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
: Fox News recently reported that ex-crooks are denouncing the New York paper
: that published the names and addresses of thousands of the state’s gun
: owners saying that publishing the information was nothing less than a road
: map for criminals planning home invasions and burglaries.
: In the last half of December, the Journal News a small paper in suburban
: Westchester, New York, published an interactive map featuring the names and
: addresses of the gun owners in Rockland County. This information, the ex-
: burglars say, presents criminals with a ready list of easy targets.
: “That was the most asinine article I’ve ever seen,” said Walter T.

1 (共1页)
Sebelius Admits People Will Pay More for ObamaCare纳税人支付Burglar的Cell Phone Bill: $55,000
Chicago: Four Dead Among at Least 36 Shot in Chicago in 36 HoursNY State Senator Unloads on Journal-News for Publishing Gun Permit Data
加州共和国要求嫖娼合法化Ban all knifes! Hopkins Student Uses Sword to Kill Intrude
Report: Journal News Map-listed Guns and Permits Stolen From Rockland County Home犹他高中 USA flag destroyed, replaced with 'ISIS flag'
黑客对Journal News都看不过去了带枪警卫绝对有用,对比上次枪击国会议员就知道了
Killing of 3 teens during burglary may test Oklahoma 'stand your ground' lawchangeisgood 封 SteelDragon 在 USANews 版 (转载)
纽约一家报纸公布两县所有有手枪证的家庭姓名地址 (转载)Gun Control Works! Six Shot in Chicago Overnight
话题: gun话题: criminals话题: news话题: map话题: owners