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USANews版 - Busted for Fake Hate Crime
Predictable. PelosiIf You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
Buzzfeed Hack Admits Swooning Over Obama床铺的媒体舆论策略:outrage dilution
有些华人连Dorner的家属都不如Beating the Racism Card
Obama: PRESENT again前共和党议长:黑百万为了cover性侵学生丑闻
If you watch lots of porn, your brain will be smallerMSM报道相当阴险
美国200议员耍流氓,纳税人付款$17 millions,这就是制度对优越 (转载)西雅图的白左市长辞职了
Where's the Outrage? Really今天这个accuser Moore应该要单独回应一下
话题: lanker话题: simons话题: uw话题: facebook话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Via This Ain’t Hell, we’ve got a doozy here.
The University of Wyoming Police Department says Meg Lanker-Simons
created the anonymous threat of sexual violence targeted at her on social
media last week.
The university announced Tuesday that campus police cited Lanker-Simons
for misdemeanor interference with a police investigation.
Lanker-Simons accused an anonymous source of posting a threat of rape on
the Facebook page “UW Crushes” on April 24. But the citation issued
Monday claims Lanker-Simons admitted to making the post, then lying about it.
The UW senior told the Star-Tribune on Tuesday that the police
accusations were untrue. Lanker-Simons said she retained legal counsel and
filed an entry-of-appearance plea of not guilty. The citation set a court
date for May 13. Charles Pelkey, Lanker-Simons’ attorney, declined to
UW Crushes was a forum designed for students to anonymously write about
their love interests and sexual desires. UW administrators have since had
the page removed. Prior to its removal, anyone could have signed into a
Facebook account, gone to UW Crushes and secretly submitted a comment via a
link to surveymonkey.com. The posts were then made public on Facebook.
“I want to hatef— Meg Lanker- so hard,” the Facebook post read. “
That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who
knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and she’
s gonna be a good Republican b—-.”
Naturally, outrageously outrageous outrage followed her accusations, which
were entirely bogus. Not only that she’s got a history of dubious
allegations and accusations, not to mention shady friends.
Lanker-Simons is a well-known liberal blogger and radio host whose fans
were upset about the Facebook comment. The post sparked rape-culture
awareness protests on Monday at the university.
Lanker-Simons also has detractors. She and former 1960s radical Bill
Ayers sued UW in 2010 to allow Ayers to speak on campus about education
issues. Lanker-Simons and Ayers won the case, and Ayers spoke on campus
later that year. Many people were outraged at Lanker-Simons. She claimed to
have received death threats.
There was also another alleged threat. Time for the police to reopen those
cases. Shouldn’t be hard to find a trail leading right back to this freak.
By the way, it appears her Twitter page has gone bye-bye. But she’s still
here. Meanwhile, this pig helped lead a rally against the crime she
committed the other day. The schlub next to her is her husband. Poor bastard
1 (共1页)
今天这个accuser Moore应该要单独回应一下Obama: PRESENT again
Moore可以说如果所有的笔迹都是40年前的If you watch lots of porn, your brain will be smaller
Moore 继续辟谣,MSM继续忽视美国200议员耍流氓,纳税人付款$17 millions,这就是制度对优越 (转载)
决定了,星期四投票。。。Where's the Outrage? Really
Predictable. PelosiIf You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention
Buzzfeed Hack Admits Swooning Over Obama床铺的媒体舆论策略:outrage dilution
有些华人连Dorner的家属都不如Beating the Racism Card
话题: lanker话题: simons话题: uw话题: facebook话题: she