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USANews版 - Bravo! 英国独立党领袖Nigel Farage敢于挑战政治正确
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老床的新辩论教练:Nigel FarageFox签约NIGEL FARAGE - 英国脱欧功臣和川普的家教
话题: farage话题: women话题: city话题: nigel话题: she
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英国独立党领袖Nigel Farage继续挑战政治正确,说女性因为生育假期,与同等男性雇
Nigel Farage says the unsayable: women have maternal impulses and wombs!
By James Delingpole Politics Last updated: January 21st, 2014
1615 Comments Comment on this article
Women who work in the City and have children are worth less than men, Nigel
Farage has said. Brave man.
Here are his exact words, as addressed to a City of London conference on the
European Union:
In many cases women make different choices in life to the ones men make,
simply for biological reasons.
A woman who has a client base, has a child and takes two or three years
off – she is worth far less to her employer when she comes back than when
she went away because that client base won't be stuck as rigidly to her
I don't believe that in the big banks and brokerage houses and Lloyds of
London and everyone else in the City, I do not believe there is any
discrimination against women at all.
I think young, able women that are prepared to sacrifice the family life
and stick with their career will do as well if not better than men.
As a former City trader himself, of course, Nigel Farage knows whereof he
speaks. And if you were speaking to them off the record, I don't think there
's a single City firm – or indeed an employer anywhere across the private
sector – who would disagree with their analysis. Clearly if you're trying
to run a business it is a massive pain if one of your star employees bunks
off at your expense to enjoy her statutory maternity leave. It leaves a gap
in your operation which is hard to fill. You need not only to find a
suitable temporary replacement but also you have to waste company time
bringing them up to speed with your absent employee's work operations. What'
s more you have no idea – actually you probably do: the answer is almost
certainly "yes" – whether this absence will be followed in about a year's
time by yet another absence, as the new mummy (not unreasonably) makes a
baby brother or sister for the child she's got already. After that, of
course, you have the added uncertainty of not knowing whether your employee
is going to enjoy motherhood so much that she decides to give up work
altogether. So you have in total a period of perhaps three or four years in
limbo during which you could have recruited a more reliable full-time person
for the job but are unable to do so because of the way employment law works.
I've tried as hard as I can to remove any value judgements from the above
summary. I can, of course, see any number of reasons why it's right that
women should be protected by maternity regulation and why it can be a hugely
beneficial thing to have women throughout the workplace, including in
traditionally male-dominated areas like the City. In my years as a
journalist, I'd say that of all the very best editors I've worked for, most
were women. (Though, funnily enough, the converse also applies: there's no
more dreadful editor than a bad female editor…).
But, gosh, you'd never guess from the general reaction that Farage had said
something factually accurate, would you?
Here, for example, is the inevitable Harriet Harman:
To see a row of men sitting there and one of them saying that women are
worth less to their employers than men are and it's because they take time
off to look after children, I think is absolute rubbish.
There is not a single business or public service in this country which
would still have the lights on if women weren't there at work.
See how desperately she is trying to twist the sense of Farage's words so
that "worth less" comes subliminally to mean "worthless"? See how she makes
an irrelevant point on the contribution women make to the economy (something
on which I'm sure Nigel Farage wouldn't disagree with for one second)?
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话题: farage话题: women话题: city话题: nigel话题: she