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USANews版 - 以色列国防部长告诉疤蟆: “Weakness certainly does not pay in the world”
加拿大总理第一次在以色列议会演讲What is Bernie Sanders hiding about his radical history?
Israeli PM: Palestinians not interested in talks3/4的美国众议员联名给国务卿希拉里-克林顿写信,表达对以色列的支持
Pat Buchanan: "Bibi Netanyahu Wants The U.S. To Fight A WaRomney in Israel
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Poll: 85 Percent of Americans in Israel Vote RomneyIran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement
'Leave Us Alone': Israeli Defense Minister Slams John KerryIran offers to help cities devastated by Hurricane Sandy
话题: israel话题: iran话题: weakness话题: world话题: certainly
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发帖数: 29846
Israeli Defense Minister on Obama’s Fecklessness: “Weakness certainly does
not pay in the world”
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
They realize they’re on their own. Benjamin Netanyahu is treated with
nothing with hostility while Mahmoud Abbas is treated with kid gloves while
steadfastly refusing to recognize Israel. And when it comes to the Iran
question, the Israelis now realize their on their own. We have a buffoon in
the White House and they know it.
Israel’s defense minister on Monday said Israel cannot depend on the
United States to lead the charge against Iran, and can only rely on itself.
“We thought that the one who needs to lead the campaign against Iran is
the U.S.,” Moshe Yaalon was quoted as saying by Haaretz during a lecture
at Tel Aviv University.
“If we wished others would do the work for us, it wouldn’t be done
soon, and therefore in this matter, we have to behave as if we can only rely
on ourselves.”
When they act you can be sure Obama and his oafish Secretary of State will
wag their finger and utter condemnations. Not that it matters any more.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously warned about
launched a preemptive military strike on Iran in an effort to protect Israel
. That prospect, which he has said remains on the table, has appeared to be
a less likely scenario in recent months.
U.S. influence internationally, Yaalon suggested, is becoming
increasingly diminished.
“Weakness certainly does not pay in the world,” he said. “No one can
replace the U.S. as the world’s policeman. I hope the U.S. will come to its
Don’t count on that any time soon.
1 (共1页)
Iran offers to help cities devastated by Hurricane SandyPat Buchanan: "Bibi Netanyahu Wants The U.S. To Fight A Wa
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Israeli PM: Palestinians not interested in talks3/4的美国众议员联名给国务卿希拉里-克林顿写信,表达对以色列的支持
话题: israel话题: iran话题: weakness话题: world话题: certainly