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USANews版 - Fed Chair: ‘Deficits Will Rise to Unsustainable Levels’
美国国债会大爆炸,完全无法持续CBO: Obama’s Policies to Increase National Debt 47 Percent to $21.7 Trillion by 2022
CBO: Government to Spend $47.2 Trillion Over Next 10 YearsUnder Obama, Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%
Under Obama: Federal Debt Up $84,266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker美国联邦政府债务连续5年实现每年增加超过1万亿美元
Obama's Idiotic Infographic预计巴马离任时政府负债将为20T
Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for fourth time再单独贴一个给大家看看
Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term DeficitCBO: Deficit to Improve Before Getting Much, Much Worse
话题: debt话题: federal话题: government话题: trillion话题: deficits
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Fed Chair: ‘Deficits Will Rise to Unsustainable Levels’
May 7, 2014 - 5:27 PM
By Terence P. Jeffrey
(CNSNews.com) - Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, referencing the
Congressional Budget Office's long-term budget projections, told the Joint
Economic Committee of Congress today that under current policies the federal
government’s deficits “will rise to unsustainable levels.”
In the 10-year budget projections it released in April, the CBO estimated
that the federal government will run $7.618 trillion in deficits from 2015
through 2024. At the same time, the CBO projected that the federal
government’s debt held by the public would rise from $11.983 trillion at
the end of fiscal 2013 to $20.947 trillion by the end of 2024.
The debt held by the public is the part of the U.S. government debt that is
not held by the federal government itself. It primarily consists of
marketable Treasury securities, including bills, notes and bonds. It does
not include what the government calls “intragovernmental debt," which is
the money the Treasury has borrowed out of the Social Security Trust Fund
and other government trust funds to pay current expenses.
The total debt of the federal government at the end of fiscal 2013--
including both the debt held by the public and the intragovernmental debt--
was $16.719 trillion. The CBO estimates that by 2024, the total debt of the
federal government will be $27.159 trillion—of which $20.947 trillion will
be debt held by the public.
If that projection holds up, the federal debt held by the public in 2024
would be more than four times the $5.035 trillion federal debt held by the
public at the end of 2007.
发帖数: 7463
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【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Fed Chair: ‘Deficits Will Rise to Unsustainable Levels’
: May 7, 2014 - 5:27 PM
: By Terence P. Jeffrey
: (CNSNews.com) - Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, referencing the
: Congressional Budget Office's long-term budget projections, told the Joint
: Economic Committee of Congress today that under current policies the federal
: government’s deficits “will rise to unsustainable levels.”
: In the 10-year budget projections it released in April, the CBO estimated
: that the federal government will run $7.618 trillion in deficits from 2015
: through 2024. At the same time, the CBO projected that the federal

1 (共1页)
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美国国债会大爆炸,完全无法持续CBO: Obama’s Policies to Increase National Debt 47 Percent to $21.7 Trillion by 2022
CBO: Government to Spend $47.2 Trillion Over Next 10 YearsUnder Obama, Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%
Under Obama: Federal Debt Up $84,266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker美国联邦政府债务连续5年实现每年增加超过1万亿美元
话题: debt话题: federal话题: government话题: trillion话题: deficits