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USANews版 - What's wrong with the Brian Williams apology?
Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s EquipmentTrump & Hillary win Missouri by narrow margins
Brian Williams will join MSNBCRecounts possible in Missouri's two primaries
Brian Williams is on again?jill stein和希玛是真的血海深仇
刚刚在健身房瞟到Brian Williams收到民主党的信了.....
Brian Williams还有脸吗?放心好了,其实密西根自己已经数了好几回了
犹他高中 USA flag destroyed, replaced with 'ISIS flag'号外:NV recount!
话题: he话题: williams话题: what话题: brian话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Deacon Greg, himself a former writer for major network (CBS), is counting
the ways:
1. There’s the deflection in the first sentence. Williams seems to be
saying: “I was only trying to BrianWilliamsdo something good, but something
bad happened instead.” He returns to the theme of saluting veterans and
honoring their service later. But really: he is on the record as recounting
this same story multiple times over the last decade.This isn’t the first
instance. To pretend that is, and that he was only trying to help other
people, is galling.
2. Fully half of the statement is not about what he did wrong, but what
others did right – again, deflection as if to say, “Let’s talk about
something else here.” He goes on about the brave men and women who served.
He offers a bid for some sympathy by alluding to the “two harrowing nights
” in a sandstorm after. (Translation: “I may not have been shot at, but it
was no picnic, folks.”) But he has really very little to say about the
fiction he perpetrated numerous times over the years.
He's got one more. It's worth the link click to check it out.
NBC has fallen a long way over the years.
A very long way.
1 (共1页)
号外:NV recount!明天辩论主持人AndersonCooper被发现伪造简历
before recount: Hillary Clinton gain 23k in PABrian Williams还有脸吗?
Wisconsin recount day 5, 川普希拉里各丟20票稀瘌痢Iowa大选作弊曝光
Michigan,猪党区域作假证据犹他高中 USA flag destroyed, replaced with 'ISIS flag'
Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s EquipmentTrump & Hillary win Missouri by narrow margins
Brian Williams will join MSNBCRecounts possible in Missouri's two primaries
Brian Williams is on again?jill stein和希玛是真的血海深仇
刚刚在健身房瞟到Brian Williams收到民主党的信了.....
话题: he话题: williams话题: what话题: brian话题: about