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USANews版 - Hillary Clinton news more like a rap sheet
McCain aides to support Hillary偏护的太明显了!
Hillary Clinton’s Speech Well-Received#wikileaks希拉里团队认为希拉里帮助比尔强奸女性
Hillary for 2012Huma warned colleagues Hillary was 'often confused' and needed hand-holding about calls with foreign
Trump Univ原告方的律师事务所和柯林顿的金钱交易胡妈在希拉里阵营里民愤很大啊
LA Times: Hillary Post-speech Bump拉里选不选纽约市长
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: she话题: her话题: americans
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Wading through the daily deluge of Hillary Clinton news, I feel like I’m
reading the police blotter. The litany of her shameful shenanigans resembles
the litany of neighborhood crimes recorded by cops. There are simply too
many to stomach.
There is another similarity, too: In both cases, fear and revulsion are the
proper responses from honest Americans.
More than 17 months before Election Day, Clinton scandals are piling up
faster than robberies during a police strike. There is a media feeding
frenzy over her shady dealings and the sheer volume of unsavory revelations
is approaching a critical mass. The pace of disclosures probably can’t
continue, but already she’s looking less and less inevitable.
Yesterday brought a new batch of bombshells. The Washington Post reported
that, in addition to $5 million she earned from her latest book, Clinton
earned $11.7 million by delivering 51 speeches since January, 2014. The
paper reported that she was paid an astonishing $625,000 for two speeches —
in one day!
Stack those facts up against her recent remark that the only answer to
income inequality is to “topple” the 1 percent of wealthy Americans, and
it’s obvious that she’s long past the point of simple hypocrisy.
She’s a caricature from PanderLand and has no challenger for the crown as
the least authentic politician on the planet.
Not to be outdone in the media sweepstakes, The New York Times revealed that
Clinton used a second, private e-mail address — [email protected]
/* */ —
to correspond with a political aide stashed on the family foundation
payroll. The aide, Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Hillary hit man, was also
playing both sides of the street by mixing his consultant business with her
diplomatic efforts in Libya, according to e-mails The Times obtained.
1 (共1页)
拉里选不选纽约市长Hillary Clinton’s Speech Well-Received
班加西丑闻的一个疑团被解密的克太个人信件披露了Hillary for 2012
希拉里真是无底线啊Trump Univ原告方的律师事务所和柯林顿的金钱交易
克老太在CNN接受采访时撒谎被当场抓住LA Times: Hillary Post-speech Bump
McCain aides to support Hillary偏护的太明显了!
话题: clinton话题: hillary话题: she话题: her话题: americans