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美国版 8点20分发
Ebola Czar Not Included in White House Ebola Meeting
话题: kucuk话题: flight话题: rolle话题: alija话题: attendant
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10729
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) – A Queens man has been charged after he allegedly
shoved two fight attendants, punched a third attendant and threatened to
blow up the plane during a flight from New York City to South Florida.
Alija Kucuk, 29, of Middle Village in Queens, N.Y., is facing federal
charges of interfering with a flight attendant and threatening to destroy an
aircraft. He is jailed in Palm Beach County pending a bond hearing Monday
in federal court in West Palm Beach.
Kucuk, a Muslim immigrant from Albania, was aboard JetBlue Airways Flight
153 from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport to Palm Beach
International Airport on Thursday night, investigators said.
Around 8 p.m., just after the flight leveled off after its ascent, FBI
agents said a male flight attendant was preparing food and drinks in the
rear of the plane.
The attendant, Whitney Rolle, was also monitoring the aisle as he worked,
authorities said.
“Rolle observed Alija Kucuk run down the single aisle of the aircraft and
push two flight attendants on his way to Whitney Rolle,” FBI Special Agent
Robert McGuire wrote in his report. The attendant tried to get Kucuk to calm
down by asking what was the matter with him but Kucuk pushed him into a
door and “punched” the victim in the face, witnesses told the agent.
“The altercation that transpired between Alija Kucuk and Whitney Rolle
included verbal epithets and racial slurs by Alija Kucuk. During this time,
Alija Kucuk also yelled … he ‘would blow up the plane,’” agents wrote.
According to commenters on local news site NY1 who claimed to be passengers
on the flight, the Muslim man Kucuk yelled “f**king nigger” at Rolle, a
Black man, and threatened to “cut him” and “blow up the plane.”
The flight attendant was able to restrain Kucuk and he was detained for the
rest of the flight. He was arrested when the flight landed in South Florida.
Court records offer no information about a possible motive and FBI officials
declined to comment on the case.
发帖数: 29846
1 (共1页)
Ebola Czar Not Included in White House Ebola Meeting
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话题: kucuk话题: flight话题: rolle话题: alija话题: attendant