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USANews版 - 德国政府要求一个100人的小镇接受750人穆斯林"难民"
Douchebag Of The Day – Green Global CEO Mike HoffmanGOP swings both ways on NY gay-marriage bill (转载)
Report: 87% Illegal Immigrant Families On Welfare, 72% Of LFaith-based films made more money in 2011 than their left-leaning counterparts
穆斯林黑人当众打白妞,黑人狂笑:女人们都是我们的看这个:每人都要测试爱死病了, 医保费用不上升才怪
上个月在边境抓了1万6千多非法移民站在black lives matter背后的土豪们
牛:第二波caravan正在形成Trump campaign 队伍现在很强大
[合集] 南加州法官认同教会高中开除同性恋为小布什喝彩,为民主党默哀
话题: migrants话题: town话题: government话题: german话题: scott
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Meet The German Town Of 100…That Now Has To Absorb 750 Muslim Migrants
Scott McKay
02 Nov, 2015 by Scott McKay
Can you imagine this happening in your neighborhood?
German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102
people to take in approximately 750 migrants from Syria and other countries,
The New York Times wrote Saturday.
Sumte, a small town at the western fringe of the former East Germany,
was informed earlier this month by its municipal government that it had been
assigned to accept over a thousand of the asylum seekers that have poured
into Germany over the course of 2015. The number was so high that mayor
Christian Fabel first thought it was a joke, but after a storm of local
protest, the figure was lowered to 750, not out of sympathy but because it
was believed a thousand would overwhelm the town’s sewage system.
The municipal government plans to house migrants inside an abandoned
office building, but other than that, services for them will be scarce.
Sumte has no school, no shops, and extremely limited public transportation
options. Residents have expressed fears that the migrants, who are
disproportionately young men, will bring a crime wave that will make it
unsafe to go outside. Officials have responded by saying it will still be
perfectly safe to go out at night, because the town’s streetlights will
stay lit.
There are places in Europe where the locals have taken to vigilantism in
response to their governments’ flooding the streets with migrants from an
alien and hostile culture. The demand for guns has skyrocketed, and in
places like Stockholm there is rampant violence on both sides.
This is what happens when government loses the consent of the governed.
Europe faces a rocky road ahead.
发帖数: 8291
慕尼黑这个破烂的城市,难民下火车的时候, 慕尼黑居民在火车站列队迎接,唱歌和


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Meet The German Town Of 100…That Now Has To Absorb 750 Muslim Migrants
: Scott McKay
: 02 Nov, 2015 by Scott McKay
: Can you imagine this happening in your neighborhood?
: German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102
: people to take in approximately 750 migrants from Syria and other countries,
: The New York Times wrote Saturday.
: Sumte, a small town at the western fringe of the former East Germany,
: was informed earlier this month by its municipal government that it had been
: assigned to accept over a thousand of the asylum seekers that have poured

发帖数: 2932
1 (共1页)
Obama: I’ll Cause Energy Prices to Skyrocket牛:第二波caravan正在形成
Obama: I’ll make energy prices "skyrocket”zz麻痹的那帮洪都拉斯P民到霉墨边境了没有?
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Douchebag Of The Day – Green Global CEO Mike HoffmanGOP swings both ways on NY gay-marriage bill (转载)
Report: 87% Illegal Immigrant Families On Welfare, 72% Of LFaith-based films made more money in 2011 than their left-leaning counterparts
穆斯林黑人当众打白妞,黑人狂笑:女人们都是我们的看这个:每人都要测试爱死病了, 医保费用不上升才怪
话题: migrants话题: town话题: government话题: german话题: scott