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USANews版 - 曝光希拉里对华尔街演讲:减少社保的提议是对的
美国众议院拒绝奥巴马提升借债额度要求Krugman: GOP大loser,我们就不通过什么deal,看你怎么着
笔录克林顿昨天演讲: obama医疗改革的具体措施Trump童鞋外交政策的演讲激动人心
The Clinton university scandal妖婆昨晚没有否认WikiLeaks
Podesta emails show excerpts of Clinton speeches to GoldmanClintons Confidant in a big trouble zz
Clinton would be the President, with 80-20's full endorsementHillary Clinton’s Speech Well-Received
Send Out the PunterBill Clinton's Speech in FL Last Night: I think he's doing
话题: clinton话题: social话题: security话题: she话题: speeches
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
In Paid Speeches To Wall Street, Hillary Promoted CUTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY
During the Democratic presidential primary, Hillary Clinton was criticized
for refusing to release the transcripts of paid speeches she gave after she
ended her term as Secretary of State. Now, just a month before the election,
a transparency group has published what it says are excerpts of those
speeches — and the remarks show Clinton appearing to reassure Wall Street
with rhetoric that differed from the kind she voiced in more public forums.
The email was released by the website Wikileaks, as part of what it says are
more than 2,600 emails hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podetsa.
The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticty of the
Clinton on the campaign trail declared, “I won’t cut Social Security.”
Yet in the email’s excerpts of her Morgan Stanley speech, she lauded a
presidential commission that proposed changes that would slash Social
Security benefits, according to experts.
The email shows Clinton specifically telling Morgan Stanley that the Simpson
-Bowles commission “put forth the right framework” for dealing with fiscal
challenges. She also said “the Simpson-Bowles framework and the big
elements of it were right.”
As the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reported in 2011,
that commission proposed a plan to “cut benefits for the vast majority of
Social Security recipients, weaken the link between a recipient’s benefits
and past earnings (which could undermine public support for the program),
and, despite the claims of the co-chairs, fail to protect most low-income
workers from benefit cuts.”
发帖数: 6571
1. 两面三刀,当面说不减少社保,背后说减少社保
2. 社保减少,受损最大的还是中产阶级,因为这里说的社保,是那些工作过的人逐年
1 (共1页)
clinton vs bush, who is better.Clinton would be the President, with 80-20's full endorsement
Hillary for 2012Send Out the Punter
克林顿老太的演讲费: 30万刀一次07,08房市崩盘的真正原因
美国众议院拒绝奥巴马提升借债额度要求Krugman: GOP大loser,我们就不通过什么deal,看你怎么着
笔录克林顿昨天演讲: obama医疗改革的具体措施Trump童鞋外交政策的演讲激动人心
The Clinton university scandal妖婆昨晚没有否认WikiLeaks
Podesta emails show excerpts of Clinton speeches to GoldmanClintons Confidant in a big trouble zz
话题: clinton话题: social话题: security话题: she话题: speeches