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USANews版 - 好戏继续:The Susan Rice Saga
Why Me? 苏三大米又开始打种族和性别牌了
Susan Rice: Accusations are absolutely false
susan rice的老公是ABC news executive producer
susan rice 3月22日在MSNBC公开说不知道unmask这事
CNN太牛逼了,现在spin成susan rice unmask是为了国家安全
变色龙Rice:I leak nothing
Rice may have been told to do
Trump, Nunes demand answers on Obama-era spying, 'unmasking'
Unmasker Unmasked: Susan Rice,主流媒体都没报道
著名女演员Susan Sarandon- 有良心的liberal的代表
话题: rice话题: she话题: did话题: susan话题: trump
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24733
The Susan Rice situation is murky, but one thing that’s crystal clear is
that she’s changing her story.
And that is raising a whole lot of questions about the tangled allegations
that the Obama administration “unmasked” Donald Trump or his associates
when they were picked up on foreign intercepts.
When Rice was asked about this by PBS’s Judy Woodruff a couple of weeks ago
, the former national security adviser said she knew nothing about it and
was just learning about it from news reports.
But in the wake of reports by Fox News and Bloomberg’s Eli Lake that Rice
had done the unmasking, she broke her silence yesterday on MSNBC.
“It was not uncommon” to make these requests and “necessary” to do her
job, Rice told Andrea Mitchell. She needed to know the names of the
Americans picked up on the intercepts, but it’s “absolutely false” to say
this was done “for political purposes.”
So she’s now gone from professed ignorance to nothing improper.
In fairness to Rice, it may turn out that what she did was perfectly legal.
But there are now a whole host of troubling questions.
Did she seek the identities of Trump folks solely for intelligence reasons,
or did she have political motivations?
Who did she share the information with?
发帖数: 2199
changing story is 天赋人权
-- by 左逼


【在 j*********r 的大作中提到】
: The Susan Rice situation is murky, but one thing that’s crystal clear is
: that she’s changing her story.
: And that is raising a whole lot of questions about the tangled allegations
: that the Obama administration “unmasked” Donald Trump or his associates
: when they were picked up on foreign intercepts.
: When Rice was asked about this by PBS’s Judy Woodruff a couple of weeks ago
: , the former national security adviser said she knew nothing about it and
: was just learning about it from news reports.
: But in the wake of reports by Fox News and Bloomberg’s Eli Lake that Rice

发帖数: 1860
1 (共1页)
著名女演员Susan Sarandon- 有良心的liberal的代表
Susan rice在trump就职日给自己发了个email
Official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up'
很想给 unmask 辩解
苏三出来讲了,the allegation is false!
Scoop! Susan Rice also unmasked pro-Israel activists during Obama's Iran negotiations!
话题: rice话题: she话题: did话题: susan话题: trump