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USANews版 - Every single day our government spends 11.5B
Now we know why our deficit is 10TThe sheeple's enemy No.1 is
More Americans now commit suicide than are killed in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll纽约时报报道奥巴马要求Paterson退出州长竞选
over 30 people per day were killed by firearms收费共乘车道,种族主义新标志
Joe Wong: Building A Wall Didn't Work For China (转载)真正的问题所在
Obama's speech is ineffective.民主党又出人物了
这次民主党把我彻底恶心到了House Kills Resolution to Oust Rangel From Chair of Tax-Writing Committee
[合集] obamacrat要加大家的税(Anti-gun) (Democrap)State Sen. R.C. Soles shoots one of t
ACORN funding got cut有些人脑子还是转不过来.
话题: day话题: every话题: single话题: spends话题: government
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 921
2017 total budget 4.2T, equals to 11.5B A DAY EVERY DAY! Now we heading to
shut down over 5B supposedly “ineffective” boarder wall. Are u fcking
kidding me?
Only one explanation, it’s the single most effective money to stop the
Democrap’s lunatic policy and suicidal agenda. That’s why they won’t
budge. But we will get it done, one way or the other.
1 (共1页)
有些人脑子还是转不过来.Obama's speech is ineffective.
Charlie Rangel: 'President Obama Needs People Like Me'这次民主党把我彻底恶心到了
The Alternate Universe of Democrats[合集] obamacrat要加大家的税
美国到了思考社会政治系统变革的时候了ACORN funding got cut
Now we know why our deficit is 10TThe sheeple's enemy No.1 is
More Americans now commit suicide than are killed in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll纽约时报报道奥巴马要求Paterson退出州长竞选
over 30 people per day were killed by firearms收费共乘车道,种族主义新标志
Joe Wong: Building A Wall Didn't Work For China (转载)真正的问题所在
话题: day话题: every话题: single话题: spends话题: government