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USANews版 - 增值税VAT这个解析太可爱啦了
支持每人每月一千块就不要说自己理工专业(字幕) 杨安泽入虎穴单挑FOX电视台众保守派
给你们科普一下怎样用增值税付一人一月一千狐狸台新闻Neil Cavuto采访了杨安泽
ubi这种笑话连幼儿园小朋友都骗不到'The Expendables 2': Return of Reagan-Era Heroism
哈佛经济学教授解释为什么支持杨安泽(中文字幕)Taxpayer Money Used To Maintain Million-Dollar Yacht
话题: vat话题: fd话题: would话题: toaster话题: money
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
Sandy DL
7 hours ago
The VAT collects money every time goods are exchanged (people and companies
pay into the VAT). The Freedom Dividend distributes those funds equally to
every US citizen starting at age 18. If you spend less than $60K a year on
luxury goods you will have more money in your pocket to do with as you
please. It's your money, spend, save or give it away, it's up to you.
This isn't Andrew's only policy. All his other policies are interconnected
in an effort to make us think of living a good life instead of just being
players in the rat race, which is currently our existence.
Continue reading to see how it all works.
Andrew Yang's stance is that automation is coming. It is coming faster and
for more types of jobs, all at once, than we have ever seen in the past.
People have looked towards the past for example of similar types of
revolutions, but those examples typically focus on one industry which
changed over a long period of time. Right now we are looking at every aspect
of our economy and society experiencing some or a lot of automation. This
automation is happening faster than how these jobs can be replaced by new
ones, leaving a net loss of jobs in its wake.
I've worked as a software developer for over 15 years. I've built systems
that have done away with a number of positions in the organization. Many
times you have people that are doing the jobs of two or three people, and
you just want to make things easier for them or standardize things for a
more reliable process. Eliminating paying jobs is not always the goal, but
unfortunately many times end up being the results of automation.
These automations are not going to stop coming and the number of jobs being
automated will continue to increase over time, eliminating more and more
Just look at the self-service kiosks everywhere (supermarkets, retail stores
, McDonald's). One attendant can tend to 12 kiosks at a time. People buy
almost everything these days online on Amazon, or Walmart and have it
delivered to the stores. Amazon's warehouses are mostly run by robots that
bring merchandise to a few human workers for packing. Everything from
stocking to preping for delivery are completely automated with computers and
machines at the Amazon warehouse.
Robots and automation are not coming, they are already here. Don't fool
yourself into thinking that they will be Terminator type androids. Netflix
automated away the movie rental shops, and now automatically and accurately
suggests things you might like to watch. Automobile assembly lines are
almost completely comprised of robot arms which weld and bolt down all the
components together.
Regarding Andrew Yang's proposal of a VAT (Value Added Tax) and UBI/FD (
Universal Basic Income or Freedom Dividend):
Let's start by saying that Andrew Yang's plans are not to slow down progress
or automation. His plans are meant as a way of collecting money from the
big spenders in our society and the companies that stand to benefit the most
from all this automation. A VAT would be a federal sales tax similar to the
ones implemented by each state. The funds that are collected by the VAT are
then distributed to everyone in the society, 18 yrs. and older. By
exempting food and living essentials from the VAT the poor, who spend their
money on just getting by each day, will pay less into the VAT fund and would
get the most value out of their money. Those who buy expensive or luxury
goods pay more into the VAT fund. The FD will be intentionally set just
below the poverty line as a way of encouraging people to continue looking
for other forms of income. Anyone who spends more than $60k per year on
luxury goods would be putting more into the VAT fund than what they get from
the FD. About 90% of Americans would not be even close to spending that
kind of money on luxury goods, so they would have a net gain from the FD.
The FD is cash so it is up to the individual to figure out what to do with
it. Spend it, save it, give it away. It will be your money and would be
equivalent to everyone getting a $6 per hour raise. What would you do with a
With all that in mind, let's play with some numbers:
Let's say you want to buy a toaster oven that currently cost $100 retail.
Local sales tax doesn't factor into this since it will stay at the state
level, so we'll ignore it to simplify this example. This toaster oven cost
the manufacturer, let's call them GE, about $30 to manufacture (that's for
labor and materials). They sell the toaster wholesale to stores at about $50
and make $20 profit, the store make about $30 after its expenses (staff,
transportation, etc.). The breakdown is this GE spends $30 to make $20 in
profits per toaster oven, the retail store spends $70 to make $30 in profits
per toaster oven. I've worked in retail and manufacturing. Trust me this is
very similar to how it works.
At a 10% VAT the cost of materials for GE will be an extra $2 (I said $30
which we can break down into $20 on materials and $10 on labor). Once the
VAT and FD are implemented GE will start selling the toaster ovens for $52
wholesale. The store will buy the $52 toaster oven and will have to also pay
the VAT. The toaster oven will cost the retail store $55. If competition is
stiff the store might just eat the extra $5 (make a profit of $25 instead
of $30) or raise the price to $105 (continue profiting $30). Similarly GE
might eat the $2 increase, but who are we kidding? When you buy the toaster
oven (a luxury good) you will have to pay the VAT at that point as well.
That's 10% of $105, if the store passes it extra cost to you, for a total of
about $115. Your cost for the same toaster oven will go up by $15. $1,000 /
month will cover the increase in cost for 67 toaster ovens a month, which
is 800 toaster ovens in one year. If you were going to buy 800 toaster at $
100 that would cost you $80,000 in today's system. After the VAT this would
cost you $92,000. This is a simplified example so the numbers don't match my
original $60k per year statement, but the effects are the same. Some things
would go up more than 15% at the store and others would be more like 1% or
no change at all.
In any case, for most Americans the FD would pay for the cost of the VAT and
would leave them with extra cash in their pockets. Most people, about 80%
of Americans, live paycheck to paycheck. Meaning that they don't have the
finances to go on vacation or buy luxury goods. And yes, for a lot of
American a $100 toaster oven is a luxury. Many Americans don't have the
money to pay rent or fix their car or pay for medicine or even food. In
Andrew's plan food, clothing and even toilet paper (living essentials) would
be exempt from the VAT at the retail store, but the manufacturers would
still have to pay the VAT when they purchase their materials, so a roll of
toilet paper might go from $1 to $1.01 (1% or not at all). The poorest among
us would use their FD to buy things that would not be affected much by the
VAT and will have the full buying power of the FD, $12k per year, while
those of us that have some expendable money each year for trips, TVs and
other luxury goods would have a little extra buying power from the FD. The
FD might give us an extra $2K to $8K in buying power per year. People that
have over $60k of expendable money will break even or end up putting money
back into the VAT fund. The more someone spends on luxury goods the more
they put into the VAT. If you buy a $1M yacht, at today's prices, you will
have to pay $1,200K for that yacht after the VAT is put in place. That's an
extra 200K (the VAT applied during manufacturing and at the final purchase
of the yacht) that goes into the VAT fund.
The reason to make the FD universal is so that of the 200K this person paid
extra for their yacht they would get $12k back and the other $188K would get
distributed. Everyone gets the FD and the amount people pay into it varies
based on how you use your money. Corporations have to pay the VAT when they
buy goods and services, but don't get the FD. They would have to decide
whether to eat the extra cost to stay competitive or pass the cost to their
consumers. Individuals can blow the extra money or save it or use it wisely.
It's up to each person to figure out what would improve their lives.
Our current system creates bureaucracies around the programs and money that
are set aside, and people have to meet requirements in order to receive
assistance. This creates a disincentive for people to work or volunteer once
they start receiving federal assistance. The FD would require less of a
bureaucracy, which means less overhead cost, and would allow people to go
out and work part-time or volunteer instead of living with the fear that
they will be kicked off the programs currently in place.
If you’ve gotten to this point, thank you. That was about 1,500 words. I
tried to edit it down but I couldn’t figure out how to do that while
leaving the information in a digestible way. All that, and I haven’t
touched on how Term Limits (for Congress and the Supreme Court) and
Democracy Dollars would allow us to take the government back. That would
also secure the VAT & FD from being repealed.
Healthcare for all... Data as a property right... Let’s distribute the
swamp (look that one up)... Revenue Day (look that one up to)... Oh! Time
Banking. Did I mention Time Banking? No?... Nope, nope, nope. I'm stopping
this now.
发帖数: 2315
1 (共1页)
Taxpayer Money Used To Maintain Million-Dollar Yachtubi在毛时代就实现过了
Who Chooses?一群龙虾党竟然以为能收到富人的增值税来养中产
Healthcare…Medicine, Doctor, Hospitals…VAT+UBI是劫富济贫,名副其实。
支持每人每月一千块就不要说自己理工专业(字幕) 杨安泽入虎穴单挑FOX电视台众保守派
给你们科普一下怎样用增值税付一人一月一千狐狸台新闻Neil Cavuto采访了杨安泽
ubi这种笑话连幼儿园小朋友都骗不到'The Expendables 2': Return of Reagan-Era Heroism
话题: vat话题: fd话题: would话题: toaster话题: money