是机器出错。 “failed to update Election Source software”, 就是说有些机器
是有 “bug”. 这个“bug” 是可以选后抹掉的, 或者可以在数票时加进去。 有一个
洗地报导说 MI 和 WI 的90度直线上升是因为集中上报。 根据“bug"的症状:The
failure caused the machines to transpose results as they were sent to the
county's main software. 那个90度直线上升也许就是这个 "bug" 的功劳, 数完抹掉
了就查不出来了。 http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/12/10/judge-gives-benson-ok-intervene-antrim-county-election-case/3880872001/
The issue with Antrim County's presidential results occurred after county
Clerk Sheryl Guy failed to update Election Source software on all tabulators
after performing an update to two of them. The failure caused the machines
to transpose results as they were sent to the county's main software.
The issue pushed Dominion Voting Systems into the national spotlight and
made it subject to several unproven claims of fraud.