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Unix版 - [转载] About term font size.
可以忍受XWIN32用电话线吗?想试试的说[转载] xwin32能和exceed 3D那样支持OpenGL吗?
xterm 的外框不见了急急急!!!!!真心请教
two questions. how to use chinese font under solaris? help!
xset 的问题Re: 可以忍受XWIN32用电话线吗?想试试的说
请教,我想把CXTERM的FONT SIZE改大点 怎么做?Re: *****从PC进WORSTATION?????
Help About Font Servercygwin performance problem
how to use showps under xwin32向大牛们求救
话题: xterm话题: xwin32话题: font话题: about话题: size
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 48
【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区 】
【 原文由 afan 所发表 】
hi, guys: this is an old unsolved problem.. 8-)
I am using xwin32 to use xterm on the NT desktop,
each time when launch a new xterm, I found the
font size is too slow, thus have to press ctrl + right
mouse to select to a larger VT fonts. I wonder
where in the xwin32 program I can do the modification
thus no need to do it time and time again, or maybe
it is in the xterm option... 3x in advance.
发帖数: 182
IMHO, This should be on the NT side, which runs the xwin32 X
The client side on the Unix box shouldnt do anything.

【在 a**n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 afan 所发表 】
: hi, guys: this is an old unsolved problem.. 8-)
: I am using xwin32 to use xterm on the NT desktop,
: each time when launch a new xterm, I found the
: font size is too slow, thus have to press ctrl + right
: mouse to select to a larger VT fonts. I wonder
: where in the xwin32 program I can do the modification
: thus no need to do it time and time again, or maybe
: it is in the xterm option... 3x in advance.

1 (共1页)
向大牛们求救xset 的问题
怎么在windows 下使用unix 的软件啊?请教,我想把CXTERM的FONT SIZE改大点 怎么做?
[转载] help: a question about xwin32Help About Font Server
Help about Xwin32 in Windows 2000!how to use showps under xwin32
可以忍受XWIN32用电话线吗?想试试的说[转载] xwin32能和exceed 3D那样支持OpenGL吗?
xterm 的外框不见了急急急!!!!!真心请教
two questions. how to use chinese font under solaris? help!
话题: xterm话题: xwin32话题: font话题: about话题: size