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Unix版 - Some simple Unix questions
awk questionKorn shell script
[转载] 问个shell怎么写?cygwin 问题一问
Ask for your help!how to execute *.exe files?
How to find a file in the deep children directory?请教一个UNIX问题, 也许很低级, 谢谢
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how to delete this directory?Help on Unix problem
话题: tmn话题: output话题: unix话题: directory话题: some
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
I have some simple Unix questions. Hope to get answers here.
Thanks a lot!
1) How to make a mirror directory. Say if I have a directory
A, I want directory B is
the virtually linked to A. How to do it?
2)With such shell file:
tmn -i INPUT -o OUTPUT/output${1}.dat -r {1}
where tmn is a excutable file name, all the others are its
arguments. It's written
by someone else. It's supposed to work like that, if you let
${1} be 50 then it
should be
tmn -i INPUT -o OUTPUT/output50.dat -r 50
and if you let
发帖数: 4193

ln -s A B

【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: I have some simple Unix questions. Hope to get answers here.
: Thanks a lot!
: 1) How to make a mirror directory. Say if I have a directory
: A, I want directory B is
: the virtually linked to A. How to do it?
: 2)With such shell file:
: tmn -i INPUT -o OUTPUT/output${1}.dat -r {1}
: where tmn is a excutable file name, all the others are its
: arguments. It's written
: by someone else. It's supposed to work like that, if you let

发帖数: 94

The first argument of the shell script.

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: ln -s A B
: $1?

1 (共1页)
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awk questionKorn shell script
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Ask for your help!how to execute *.exe files?
How to find a file in the deep children directory?请教一个UNIX问题, 也许很低级, 谢谢
话题: tmn话题: output话题: unix话题: directory话题: some