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Unix版 - install cxterm
[转载] Re: cxterm 就是好!英雄,救命啊!!!
请问text版linux怎样加装xwindows/GUI (转载)Unix下有什么好点的中英和英中字典?
[公告]投票ID名单求救: 我的EXCEED怎么不工作了? 有办法解决么?
[公告] Unix 板的投票结果Re: Where to download XWindow? (Thanks a lot)
批评斑竹[转载] 5Dwm, a SGI 4Dwm clone for Linux , BSD
a question about xwindowsX window编程
Xwindows 不能记得我的设置,怎么办?How use Chinese telnet in Mac OSX?
[转载] why it is so slow in linux?[转载] 请问:winxp与xwindow兼容问题
话题: cxterm话题: tsinghua话题: install话题: univ话题: extract
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 94
This is an earlier post. I hope it may be helpful.
【 以下文字转载自 Unix 讨论区 】
【 原文由 woodman 所发表 】
I have just built color cxterm under solaris. As many people feel
difficult with it, I would like to share me experience with you.
1) Fetch the source code. I fetched it from Tsinghua Univ. For
those have difficulties to connect Tsinghua, you can get it from
my ftp. I will put a copy somewhere.
2) Extract the code to a directory.
gzip -dc | tar xvf -
3) Run ./config.s
发帖数: 618
Is Xwindows requird for running cxterm?

【在 w*****n 的大作中提到】
: This is an earlier post. I hope it may be helpful.
: 【 以下文字转载自 Unix 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 woodman 所发表 】
: I have just built color cxterm under solaris. As many people feel
: difficult with it, I would like to share me experience with you.
: 1) Fetch the source code. I fetched it from Tsinghua Univ. For
: those have difficulties to connect Tsinghua, you can get it from
: my ftp. I will put a copy somewhere.
: 2) Extract the code to a directory.
: cd

发帖数: 27
Yeh! Of course

【在 G****n 的大作中提到】
: Is Xwindows requird for running cxterm?
1 (共1页)
[转载] 请问:winxp与xwindow兼容问题批评斑竹
Help, What happen to Audio output when using Exceeda question about xwindows
xwindow通讯用的那个端口啊?Xwindows 不能记得我的设置,怎么办?
any solution to view Chinese in unix console?[转载] why it is so slow in linux?
[转载] Re: cxterm 就是好!英雄,救命啊!!!
请问text版linux怎样加装xwindows/GUI (转载)Unix下有什么好点的中英和英中字典?
[公告]投票ID名单求救: 我的EXCEED怎么不工作了? 有办法解决么?
[公告] Unix 板的投票结果Re: Where to download XWindow? (Thanks a lot)
话题: cxterm话题: tsinghua话题: install话题: univ话题: extract