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WashingtonDC版 - 富士康淮安2亿美元扩建
今天大家都累了,说说都扫到什么了?有没有不用签合 不绑定的Iphone卖的
儿子在DayCare被欺负了,背上全是伤,求经验,及好的律师 (转载)你们贷款购房还是现金购房?
有没有卫生间装修的师傅可以推荐下的?Anybody knows this company - Legg Mason
[march 7 正文]七律*预贺新爱派占领世界(修改和律版) (转载)现在投资房refin的rate能到多少?
要被雷了,求个refer吧,交通方向 (转载)原来 investment banker 比 postdoc 赚不了多少
微薄上说VA 529 该选Invest还是Prepaid?
话题: huai话题: apple话题: city话题: taiwan话题: affairs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7272
【 以下文字转载自 Apple 讨论区 】
发信人: llin (一路陌生人), 信区: Apple
标 题: 富士康淮安2亿美元扩建
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 21 20:10:56 2012, 美东)
Apple Building New Production Line Overseas, Foxconn Invests $210 Million Towards Expansion
On Monday, Foxconn, Apple's largest manufacturing partner in Asia, agreed to invest another $210 million to help build out a new production line for unspecified components, according to officials from within the office of Taiwan Affairs in Huai-an City. The 40,000-square-meter plant will hire roughly 35,800 new employees to help assemble parts for either desktop and laptop computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, or possibly even new products or devices.
Foxconn Technology Group, a top maker of products for Apple, announced that it will build a high-tech manufacturing base in Hainan, China's southernmost island province, [in] early April," reported the China Daily. "The plant housing the production line, to be located in Huai'an city, will produce components for American multinational corporation, Apple Inc, said the office of Taiwan Affairs of Huai'an city.
发帖数: 8514

Towards Expansion
to invest another $210 million to help build out a new production line for
unspecified components, according to officials from within the office of
Taiwan Affairs in Huai-an City. The 40,000-square-meter plant will hire
roughly 35,800 new employees to help assemble parts for either desktop and
laptop computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, or possibly even new products or
that it will build a high-tech manufacturing base in Hainan, China's
southernmost island province, [in] early April," reported the China Daily. "
The plant housing the production line, to be located in Huai'an city, will
produce components for American multinational corporation, Apple Inc, said
the office of Taiwan Affairs of Huai'an city.

【在 l**n 的大作中提到】
: 淮安
: 【 以下文字转载自 Apple 讨论区 】
: 发信人: llin (一路陌生人), 信区: Apple
: 标 题: 富士康淮安2亿美元扩建
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 21 20:10:56 2012, 美东)
: Apple Building New Production Line Overseas, Foxconn Invests $210 Million Towards Expansion
: On Monday, Foxconn, Apple's largest manufacturing partner in Asia, agreed to invest another $210 million to help build out a new production line for unspecified components, according to officials from within the office of Taiwan Affairs in Huai-an City. The 40,000-square-meter plant will hire roughly 35,800 new employees to help assemble parts for either desktop and laptop computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, or possibly even new products or devices.
: Foxconn Technology Group, a top maker of products for Apple, announced that it will build a high-tech manufacturing base in Hainan, China's southernmost island province, [in] early April," reported the China Daily. "The plant housing the production line, to be located in Huai'an city, will produce components for American multinational corporation, Apple Inc, said the office of Taiwan Affairs of Huai'an city.
: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/343585/20120521/apple-building-
: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-05/21/content_153501

发帖数: 7272


【在 W********t 的大作中提到】
: 富士康=狐狸坑?
: Towards Expansion
: to invest another $210 million to help build out a new production line for
: unspecified components, according to officials from within the office of
: Taiwan Affairs in Huai-an City. The 40,000-square-meter plant will hire
: roughly 35,800 new employees to help assemble parts for either desktop and
: laptop computers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, or possibly even new products or
: devices.
: that it will build a high-tech manufacturing base in Hainan, China's

1 (共1页)
VA 529 该选Invest还是Prepaid?有没有卫生间装修的师傅可以推荐下的?
Freedom Capital Internship in Arlington, VA[march 7 正文]七律*预贺新爱派占领世界(修改和律版) (转载)
一个果粉的自白要被雷了,求个refer吧,交通方向 (转载)
今天大家都累了,说说都扫到什么了?有没有不用签合 不绑定的Iphone卖的
儿子在DayCare被欺负了,背上全是伤,求经验,及好的律师 (转载)你们贷款购房还是现金购房?
话题: huai话题: apple话题: city话题: taiwan话题: affairs