

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
WaterWorld版 - 请教:“站着说话不腰疼”英文怎么说呢?
今日,与跨国恋洋男友的对话三哥又犯事了:Delhi shamed again, 5-year-old brutalisedZT (转载)
最新消息:棒子因为不满裁判,要炸澳洲使馆 (转载)Google voice 怎么回事?
科罗拉多枪案:父亲抛下4个月大的baby独自逃生 (转载)股票涨跌,专家站着说话不腰疼!
Iowa State University Shao Tong from China is missing老被老美大妈喊 honey 是为啥泥?纳闷啊
what's up怎么回答?今天去吃饭,看到有学生很强大 自带泡面,配合矿泉水,微波炉。不错
爱国与精英:李娜,朗朗,六四给大家推荐个超好吃的Yogurt (转载)
有感于爱恩斯坦的大脑和马克思的理论 (转载)Life is like a box of gift (转载)
话题: she话题: he话题: rolls话题: her话题: honey
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1577
发帖数: 2116
A man goes to the doctor after feeling ill. The doctor says, "You know, you
should have come to see me sooner. Unfortunately you have waited too long
and you are going to die this evening." The man is distraught and wonders
how he is going to tell his wife. Well, he tells her and she takes it pretty
well. "Honey, this is going to be a night that you will always remember,"
she says. "I am going to treat you like a king." She prepares a scrumptious
gourmet dinner with wine, candles-the works.
After dinner she slips away and returns in the most incredible negligee the
man has ever seen. She leads him into their bedroom. They make the most
passionate love they have ever made. The man is beside himself. Once done,
the wife rolls over to go to sleep knowing she kept her promise. Well, the
husband is wide awake watching the clock.
He knows that he is doomed. He taps her..."Honey?" he whispers. She rolls
over and again proceed to make love. Again when they were done she rolls
over and he taps her. She is getting cranky, but under the circumstances she
grants her husband's dying wishes. Finally the wife rolls over and begins
to snore. Well, the man decides to tap her again. "Honey?" he whispers. She
rolls over and yells, "Oh sure! You don't have to get up in the morning!!!"

【在 c*****a 的大作中提到】
: 请教大家:就是有人指手画脚的,光说不练型的,怎么用英文形容?
发帖数: 1577
那我就去对那个人说:“oh sure, you don't have to get up in the morning!”
you think she'll get it?


【在 g*r 的大作中提到】
: A man goes to the doctor after feeling ill. The doctor says, "You know, you
: should have come to see me sooner. Unfortunately you have waited too long
: and you are going to die this evening." The man is distraught and wonders
: how he is going to tell his wife. Well, he tells her and she takes it pretty
: well. "Honey, this is going to be a night that you will always remember,"
: she says. "I am going to treat you like a king." She prepares a scrumptious
: gourmet dinner with wine, candles-the works.
: After dinner she slips away and returns in the most incredible negligee the
: man has ever seen. She leads him into their bedroom. They make the most
: passionate love they have ever made. The man is beside himself. Once done,

1 (共1页)
Life is like a box of gift (转载)what's up怎么回答?
在dreamer版受到不公正待遇的XDJM们去投诉版顶贴啦有感于爱恩斯坦的大脑和马克思的理论 (转载)
今日,与跨国恋洋男友的对话三哥又犯事了:Delhi shamed again, 5-year-old brutalisedZT (转载)
最新消息:棒子因为不满裁判,要炸澳洲使馆 (转载)Google voice 怎么回事?
科罗拉多枪案:父亲抛下4个月大的baby独自逃生 (转载)股票涨跌,专家站着说话不腰疼!
Iowa State University Shao Tong from China is missing老被老美大妈喊 honey 是为啥泥?纳闷啊
话题: she话题: he话题: rolls话题: her话题: honey