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WaterWorld版 - Halloween
Halloween里的a究竟怎么念happy 绿帽子节,you are Irish today
In memory of 64 (转载)为啥wong 说 i am irish别人会笑?
强烈推荐影片万能钥匙 (转载)随感接龙:美国第一代移民——再回首已是百年身 (转载)
新东方翻译女神Sherry老师翻译汇总(一)以后写作文别老是“No pain,no gain.”的了召集:Halloween的新撰组成员
Pumpkin Carving有宾州的周末只想开车出去转会儿的吗
我的结论是枪应该开,但是芝麻人也该坐牢 (转载)热烈庆祝MIT宝妈宝爸qq群已逾百人 (转载)
我天生的西式幽默感 没几个中国人能做到 (转载)Halloween上演的“人间胸器”
我可爱的土生土长的美国BF(爱尔兰血统)怎么调Irish Cream?
话题: halloween话题: day话题: samhain话题: saints话题: turnips
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16092
Halloween was a popular pagan festival of the dead (Samhain). The ancient
Celts celebrated the new year on November 1. They believed that the souls of
the dead returned to Earth the night before.
Samhain is Gaelic for “summer’s end,” a day to bid good-bye to warmth and
light as day length shortens.
In an attempt to replace this festival, the church moved the celebration of
All Saints to November 1. This is the day when all of the saints are honored
, especially those who did not have a day of their own. This day was
formerly known as Allhallowmas, hallow meaning "holy" or "holy person." All
Saints Day is known in England as All Hallows Day.
The evening before, October 31, is known as All Hallows Eve, the origin of
the American word Halloween!
In later years, the Irish used hollowed-out, candlelit turnips carved with a
demon’s face to frighten away the spirits. When Irish immigrants in the
1840s found few turnips in the United States, they used the more plentiful
pumpkins instead.
发帖数: 16092
Samhain/Halloween almost always had ties to the "other world". Celtic tribes
often believed that elves or faery folk could emerge from their world on
Samhain more so than they could on many other days of the year, and that
they could cause both good luck and misfortune. Some were believed to help
the living in divining the future, and some were believed to steal away
children or cause a future death.


【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: Halloween was a popular pagan festival of the dead (Samhain). The ancient
: Celts celebrated the new year on November 1. They believed that the souls of
: the dead returned to Earth the night before.
: Samhain is Gaelic for “summer’s end,” a day to bid good-bye to warmth and
: light as day length shortens.
: In an attempt to replace this festival, the church moved the celebration of
: All Saints to November 1. This is the day when all of the saints are honored
: , especially those who did not have a day of their own. This day was
: formerly known as Allhallowmas, hallow meaning "holy" or "holy person." All
: Saints Day is known in England as All Hallows Day.

发帖数: 2656
My kids are asked to bring Halloween jokes to class tomorrow, here are what
I found from the Internet:
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have any guts!
Why did the skeleton cross the road?
To get to the body shop!
发帖数: 16092
not bad, Debby, here is one more:
Why didn't the skeleton have sex?
He didn't have any pinis!


【在 D****2 的大作中提到】
: My kids are asked to bring Halloween jokes to class tomorrow, here are what
: I found from the Internet:
: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
: He didn't have any guts!
: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
: To get to the body shop!

发帖数: 2656
Haha! But that's not school-appropriate!

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: not bad, Debby, here is one more:
: Why didn't the skeleton have sex?
: He didn't have any pinis!
: what

1 (共1页)
怎么调Irish Cream?Pumpkin Carving
方言蛮有意思的我的结论是枪应该开,但是芝麻人也该坐牢 (转载)
16岁的小姑娘最后50米游得比Lochte快 (转载)我天生的西式幽默感 没几个中国人能做到 (转载)
黄西第一次上 David Letterman Show说我可爱的土生土长的美国BF(爱尔兰血统)
Halloween里的a究竟怎么念happy 绿帽子节,you are Irish today
In memory of 64 (转载)为啥wong 说 i am irish别人会笑?
强烈推荐影片万能钥匙 (转载)随感接龙:美国第一代移民——再回首已是百年身 (转载)
新东方翻译女神Sherry老师翻译汇总(一)以后写作文别老是“No pain,no gain.”的了召集:Halloween的新撰组成员
话题: halloween话题: day话题: samhain话题: saints话题: turnips