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Windows版 - problems after viral infection (转载)
HELP WANTED!!!!!!!! 我的电脑中毒了,紧急求助中!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Desktop icons keep refreshing
如何使得一个程序不可以make any tcp/ip connections?n中文病毒求助 (couponMerchantName) (转载)
怎么除 spyware guard 2008?如何彻底清除 malware effect
用XP = 和病毒搏斗请教ADWARE,MALWARE 问题
到今天为止有近千万Windows被感染Sleeper病毒Re: Virus!! FunLove.4099
Windows 7 RC可以在MS官网下载了Re: how to delete virus file
怎么样删除AntivirusPro_2010?Re: winkhak.exe
XP中毒重装:大家上哪儿找安装盘?Re: I can't open attachement in my email in outlook express directly. :(
话题: viral话题: virus话题: disinfect话题: infection话题: problems
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 259
【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区 】
发信人: enhancer00 (enhancer), 信区: Software
标 题: problems after viral infection
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 30 15:30:25 2008)
My system is currently infected with virus (malware), and I followed an
instruction to disinfect the virus
under safe mode, but now stuck in the following delima:
If I start the PC under safe mode (with F8), then it turned blue screen,
saying you have to disinfect the
virus first;
If I try to load windows regularly, it takes forever so I cannot get to t
1 (共1页)
Re: I can't open attachement in my email in outlook express directly. :(到今天为止有近千万Windows被感染Sleeper病毒
Re: is this a virus?Windows 7 RC可以在MS官网下载了
Re: HELP: WinXP有一个病毒杀不了。。。怎么样删除AntivirusPro_2010?
Re: 屋漏又遭连阴雨XP中毒重装:大家上哪儿找安装盘?
HELP WANTED!!!!!!!! 我的电脑中毒了,紧急求助中!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Desktop icons keep refreshing
如何使得一个程序不可以make any tcp/ip connections?n中文病毒求助 (couponMerchantName) (转载)
怎么除 spyware guard 2008?如何彻底清除 malware effect
用XP = 和病毒搏斗请教ADWARE,MALWARE 问题
话题: viral话题: virus话题: disinfect话题: infection话题: problems