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Working版 - 战胜老印先练英语
Office sex harassment (more)My Boss Is Making Me Invisible
How to respond? Get a HighEffective Performance Evaluation10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear
personality issue能力是次要的 》 英文是主要的
话题: henke话题: henkeism话题: yahoo话题: site话题: get
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 154
I get to know David Henke through a job interview when Yahoo was in a
desperate need to hire a top gun to turn around its Overture engineering
unit, and Henke was a candidate. The company slid into a major crisis, Henke
was brought onboard and things started to change in a major and substantial
way. The next thing I know, I was also thrown into that mix, and the next
few years of working together was the most special because of what I get to
learn from Henke.
He is the one leader who changed the Yahoo Engineering culture in profound
ways, especially in raising the awareness and deep mental commitment of
running a highly available and highly performing site. For those of us who
went through the Henke-school and witnessed the Henkeism especially the "
Site-up" slogan, the learning is of lasting value. For example, Dayne
Sampson and I are now at Microsoft, and you could see traces of that
Henkeism of "site-up" mindset that's gaining traction, for which Dayne and I
are very proud and also knows where that came from.
Ferocious intensity is another hallmark of Henke. I still remember the days
where Henke can fight off a major site outage with his enormous willpower,
staying up non-stop for days, directing the troops in recovering out sites
from the outages. If we envision the modern day warfare is being fought with
technology, computers and data, Henke is as great a warrior as you get to
Courage is another leadership spirit Henke brought to Yahoo. He used to tell
anyone who cares to listen (and perhaps too many times), that one needs to
come to work every day willing to be fired, as doing what's right takes real
courage. You can say that he sometimes might carry that too far, for
example throw his badge at the big boss. But if you can see through his at-
times confrontational and highly-intense style, you get to appreciate a
courageous soul of always pushing for doing what's right, versus what’s
popular and what pleases the bosses and mainstream beliefs of the
Among many of the Henkeism idioms I learned, there often has deeper wisdom
to be appreciated. For example, the notion of the "Henke-hill" is a common
project-management metaphor for large scale projects especially the date-
driven ones, the skills and disciplines about gaining visibility and
establishing credible milestones, as well as the commitment to do “feature,
quality, time: pick-two”, to get right.
We fought many brutal battles, there were moments of deep frustrations and
moments of sheer joy of digging deep and gutting things out. Among all my
years since leaving graduate school, this is no doubt the most memory period
that I will not trade for anything else. There are many leaders I am
blessed to work with, Henke is amongst the strongest, someone I learned a
lot, and someone I consider a hero.
发帖数: 8319

【在 o*******m 的大作中提到】
: 看看陆老大的文笔,有几个索男的文章能写到这个份上,更不要说站在台上喷
: ---引自陆老大的Linkedin-----------------------------------------------------
: I get to know David Henke through a job interview when Yahoo was in a
: desperate need to hire a top gun to turn around its Overture engineering
: unit, and Henke was a candidate. The company slid into a major crisis, Henke
: was brought onboard and things started to change in a major and substantial
: way. The next thing I know, I was also thrown into that mix, and the next
: few years of working together was the most special because of what I get to
: learn from Henke.
: He is the one leader who changed the Yahoo Engineering culture in profound

发帖数: 154

【在 l*****t 的大作中提到】
: 这英文真不咋样。。。。还有语法错误。。。
发帖数: 6167
发帖数: 3081

【在 o*******m 的大作中提到】
: 看看陆老大的文笔,有几个索男的文章能写到这个份上,更不要说站在台上喷
: ---引自陆老大的Linkedin-----------------------------------------------------
: I get to know David Henke through a job interview when Yahoo was in a
: desperate need to hire a top gun to turn around its Overture engineering
: unit, and Henke was a candidate. The company slid into a major crisis, Henke
: was brought onboard and things started to change in a major and substantial
: way. The next thing I know, I was also thrown into that mix, and the next
: few years of working together was the most special because of what I get to
: learn from Henke.
: He is the one leader who changed the Yahoo Engineering culture in profound

1 (共1页)
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新同事抢credit偷codepersonality issue
Office sex harassment (more)My Boss Is Making Me Invisible
How to respond? Get a HighEffective Performance Evaluation10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear
话题: henke话题: henkeism话题: yahoo话题: site话题: get