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WorldNews版 - Casey Anthony will be released from jail July 13zz
Casey Anthony这种案子最可怕的是它的示范性 (转载)从希拉里到朴槿惠,无一不揭示女人的软肋
Casey Anthony自由了 (转载)Re: 江的case,打个比方吧
Casey Anthony自由了 (转载)zz美国部分民众热评中国快速实现司法公正(附链接) (转载)
求同存异真的很难吗?Casey Anthony will be released from jail July 13
Mehserle sentenced to 2 years (转载)从Casey Anthony案看来老百姓对法的理解还是很强的
Weiner admits lying about lewd photo, won't quitzz到底谁杀了Caylee Anthony? (转载)
Weiner限制级照片也泄露出来了zzCasey Anthony: 无罪 (五)真相
美130万亚裔属无证移民 百万家庭处于分居状态casey anthony那个case就应该做成cold case
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发信人: pacific (hh), 信区: Military
标 题: Casey Anthony will be released from jail July 13
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 7 15:41:13 2011, 美东)
Casey Anthony will be released from jail July 13
ReutersBy Barbara Liston | Reuters – 2 hrs 22 mins ago
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Anthony speaks with her attorney Clay Sims as she enters the court for
sentencing at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando
Anthony speaks with her attorney Clay Sims as she enters the court for
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Anthony sits with attorney Clay Sims during sentencing at the Orange
County Courthouse in Orlando
Anthony sits with attorney Clay Sims during sentencing at the Orange
County Courthouse …
ORLANDO, Fla (Reuters) - A Florida judge on Thursday sentenced Casey Anthony
to four years in jail for lying to police after her daughter disappeared,
but she will be released from custody next week after getting credit for
time served and good behavior.
Court officials said Anthony, 25, will be let out of jail on July 13, having
received credit for the 1,043 days she spent behind bars since her arrest.
Anthony was acquitted on Tuesday of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee
in 2008 but on Thursday received the toughest possible punishment for
providing false information to law enforcement during the investigation.
Each of the four misdemeanor counts Anthony was convicted of carried a
maximum of one year in jail. Judge Belvin Perry ordered the one-year terms
to run consecutively, and also imposed a $1,000 fine for each count.
Perry said as a result of Casey Anthony's lies, law enforcement spent "a
great deal of time, energy and manpower looking for young Caylee Marie
Anthony did not speak during the sentencing hearing. She wore her long hair
loose rather than pulled tightly back as she had during the trial and smiled
while she chatted with defense attorneys before the proceedings.
But her face tightened as the judge discussed her lies and handed down the
The hearing drew Anthony's fans, critics and a large police presence to the
Orlando courthouse where her closely watched trial played out over more than
six weeks this summer.
"Boycott any books, movies by Casey," one protester's sign read.
"Casey will you marry me," read a sign held by 20-year-old pizzeria worker
Tim Allen.
Reaction to the sentence was mixed. Some people came hoping to witness
Anthony walk out of the courthouse a free woman.
"I would like to put my eyes on her," said Darwin Outsey, a 33-year-old
Orlando car detailer who agreed with the murder acquittal but thought
Anthony was at least guilty of being an accessory to the killing.
Others criticized the sentence as too lenient.
"She doesn't deserve to walk free among civilians who care for their
children," said Dobia Wright, 30, an unemployed tree trimmer from Orlando
who brought along his 3-year-old son.
Where Anthony will go after her release is a mystery. Her parents, George
and Cindy Anthony, left the courtroom after the verdict without speaking to
their daughter but were back in the regular seats to hear the sentence on
Afterward, their lawyer shook hands with defense attorney Jose Baez but
would not comment to Reuters about the family's plans.
Anthony's punishment is a far cry from the death penalty prosecutors had
planned to seek if jurors found her guilty of first-degree murder.
The prosecution said Anthony smothered Caylee with duct tape on June 16,
2008, drove around for several days with Caylee's body in her car trunk and
then dumped the remains in woods near the Anthony family home.
The defense argued that Caylee died in an accidental drowning in the family'
s backyard pool.
Millions of Americans followed the trial and many were stunned, even angered
, by the verdict reached by jurors on Tuesday.
The jury also found Anthony not guilty of aggravated child abuse or
aggravated manslaughter of a child. Jurors who have spoken out since said
they felt there wasn't enough evidence for a murder conviction, but their
decision left them in tears and feeling sick.
(Writing by Colleen Jenkins; Editing by Greg McCune)
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casey anthony那个case就应该做成cold caseMehserle sentenced to 2 years (转载)
Casey Anthony: 无罪(一)Weiner admits lying about lewd photo, won't quitzz
Casey Anthony: 无罪 (五)真相Weiner限制级照片也泄露出来了zz
Casey Anthony case in big stage美130万亚裔属无证移民 百万家庭处于分居状态
Casey Anthony这种案子最可怕的是它的示范性 (转载)从希拉里到朴槿惠,无一不揭示女人的软肋
Casey Anthony自由了 (转载)Re: 江的case,打个比方吧
Casey Anthony自由了 (转载)zz美国部分民众热评中国快速实现司法公正(附链接) (转载)
求同存异真的很难吗?Casey Anthony will be released from jail July 13
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