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_America版 - 问个美国警察和法庭程序的问题
Re: 再挖一个坑哎, 看到falling的newsreport, 不禁叹了口气 (转载)
大家对UMICH事件怎么看?哎, 看到falling的newsreport, 不禁叹了口气
大法官们支持了毒品贩子The Rush to Find China’s Moles
集体主义和个人主义我觉得你们这些猥琐男根本就没有什么common sense啊
你们谁觉得自己loser 的,来看看真正的loser中国开始推出南海国内法了
Fight for Liang, fight for our kids' future!只看楼主 美国言论自由
关于6i的案件update 苦主赶快联系法庭所谓大律师,其实和法院
话题: defendant话题: us话题: order话题: law
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 211
发帖数: 2416

IANAL, but I guess the police will interogate you after reading
you your rights, and you get your phone call (man, I still can't
believe you used that only phone call you got to post here...)
I think both are determined by a judge. You can post the bail
whenever you come up with the money.
Not sure, I would assume it's the defendant's responsibility--
and also rights, perhaps.

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 一个人犯了法之后,比如杀人未遂吧,被警察逮捕后,程序是怎样的?
: 1,会有笔录吗?还是就先关起来,等待与律师见面?
: 2,什么时候可以交bail?是谁决定bail的数量?
: 3,什么时候会开庭审判?
: 4,如果被告说有精神病,那么谁负责找精神病医生来鉴定?
: 或者哪里有网站可以查到?
: 谢谢!

发帖数: 4391

From the limited # of law and order I watched, I think it is if your
lawyer wants to defend you with the reason of insanity, then you can
get a psychologist to make a proper examination. (both defendant and

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: IANAL, but I guess the police will interogate you after reading
: you your rights, and you get your phone call (man, I still can't
: believe you used that only phone call you got to post here...)
: I think both are determined by a judge. You can post the bail
: whenever you come up with the money.
: Not sure, I would assume it's the defendant's responsibility--
: and also rights, perhaps.

发帖数: 2416

Hmm, that's interesting -- can the prosecutor require you(the defendant)
to go through _their_ examination, in order to prove you are not insane?
In other words, can you refuse?

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: From the limited # of law and order I watched, I think it is if your
: lawyer wants to defend you with the reason of insanity, then you can
: get a psychologist to make a proper examination. (both defendant and
: prosecutor)

发帖数: 211
Thank you guys. I am not sitting in the jail and use their computer to log on
here. :-) I just want to write a fiction which starts with a person detained
by the police and claimed to be insane.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Hmm, that's interesting -- can the prosecutor require you(the defendant)
: to go through _their_ examination, in order to prove you are not insane?
: In other words, can you refuse?

发帖数: 27573
again from Law & Order, I think both experts must testify
and leave the jury to decide.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Hmm, that's interesting -- can the prosecutor require you(the defendant)
: to go through _their_ examination, in order to prove you are not insane?
: In other words, can you refuse?

发帖数: 211
寄信人: choi (choi)
标 题: Re: 问个美国警察和法庭程序的问题
发信站: 未名空间 (Mon Oct 10 09:36:05 2005)
来 源: 128.197.
Not a member, I can't post in this board, not a member. So I write directly.
If you want to share with your fellow member, you are authorized to re-post
this correspondence.
I am originally from Taiwan. Not a lawyer, but I am familiar with courts (
federal and state; criminal and civil) in US.
Criminal laws in US mostly are more or less the same in US, to the extent US
Constitution, as interpreted by US

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 一个人犯了法之后,比如杀人未遂吧,被警察逮捕后,程序是怎样的?
: 1,会有笔录吗?还是就先关起来,等待与律师见面?
: 2,什么时候可以交bail?是谁决定bail的数量?
: 3,什么时候会开庭审判?
: 4,如果被告说有精神病,那么谁负责找精神病医生来鉴定?
: 或者哪里有网站可以查到?
: 谢谢!

发帖数: 14

"(4) Insanity is an affirmative defense (check law dictionary for its meaning)
All jurisdictions requires defendants to notify prosecution before trail
about affirmative defenses. Normally, prosecution must prove guilt "beyond a
reasonable doubt"--e.g., you committed the murder. But when a defendant
advances affirmative defense, the burden of proof shifts to the defendant that
there is enough evidence for the court to allow introduction of the
affirmative defense. When the defendant satisfies

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 寄信人: choi (choi)
: 标 题: Re: 问个美国警察和法庭程序的问题
: 发信站: 未名空间 (Mon Oct 10 09:36:05 2005)
: 来 源: 128.197.
: Not a member, I can't post in this board, not a member. So I write directly.
: If you want to share with your fellow member, you are authorized to re-post
: this correspondence.
: I am originally from Taiwan. Not a lawyer, but I am familiar with courts (
: federal and state; criminal and civil) in US.
: Criminal laws in US mostly are more or less the same in US, to the extent US

1 (共1页)
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Bundy trial 12/11 更新经济间谍案16年来的一些数据
Re: 再挖一个坑哎, 看到falling的newsreport, 不禁叹了口气 (转载)
大家对UMICH事件怎么看?哎, 看到falling的newsreport, 不禁叹了口气
大法官们支持了毒品贩子The Rush to Find China’s Moles
集体主义和个人主义我觉得你们这些猥琐男根本就没有什么common sense啊
话题: defendant话题: us话题: order话题: law