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_Astronomy版 - Mars Rover Landing Site Sweet Spots Not So Sweet
Nov. 26 Astronomy Picture: Name This Martian RoboAstronomy Picture of Day: Dust Devil on Mars
5月10号天文日印象Astronomy Picture of Day: Ridges on Mars
Astronomy Picture of Day: Great Dark Spot把你的名字免费签到火星上
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zz火星 Mars
Mars RATs[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Gullies on Mars
Mars's Underground Reservoir[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Mars, Venus
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ancient Volcanos of MarAstronomy Picture of Day: Day and Night on Mars
Astronomy Pictur of Day: Grand Canyon of MarsAstronomy Picture of Day: Dust Storm at Mars
话题: sweet话题: rovers话题: mars话题: spots话题: landing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 10:30 am ET
15 March 2002
HOUSTON, TEXAS - Finding safe and sound landing sites for two Mars Exploration
Rovers has proven difficult.
Scientists have been on the lookout for the best "sweet spots" on the red
planet. Wanted are places that yield top-notch science, yet are touchdown
friendly to the rovers. That gives each robot the best chance for a lengthy
The pressure is on as the countdown clock ticks away for hurling the twin
rovers to
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Dust Storm at MarsMars RATs[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Melting SnowMars's Underground Reservoir[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Springtime on MarsAstronomy Picture of Day: Ancient Volcanos of Mar
Astronomy Picture of Day: Five to MarsAstronomy Pictur of Day: Grand Canyon of Mars
Nov. 26 Astronomy Picture: Name This Martian RoboAstronomy Picture of Day: Dust Devil on Mars
5月10号天文日印象Astronomy Picture of Day: Ridges on Mars
Astronomy Picture of Day: Great Dark Spot把你的名字免费签到火星上
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zz火星 Mars
话题: sweet话题: rovers话题: mars话题: spots话题: landing