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_Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: NGC253
Astronomy Picture of Day: Center of Virgo ClusterAstronomy Picture of Day: Eagle Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Spiral GalaxyCFHT's MegaPrime Press Release
Astronomy Picture of Day: Interacting Galaxies一个不寻常的双星团
Astronomy Picture of Day: Supernova Remnant哈勃揭示了一个星系的真实颜色(英文原文)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Cocoon Nebula围绕星系的光环(英文原文)
Astronomy Picture of Day: M17: Star FactoryNGC 2440(英文原文)
每日一图 欧米伽星云M17哈勃揭示研究旋涡星系的中心(英文原文)
话题: ngc话题: group话题: picture话题: day话题: ngc253
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发帖数: 1994
Spiral Galaxy NGC 253 Almost Sideways
Credit & Copyright: Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT), Hawaiian Starlight, CFHT
Explanation: NGC 253 is a normal spiral galaxy seen here almost sideways. It is the largest
member of the Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest group to our own Local Group of
Galaxies. NGC 253, pictured above, appears visually as one of the brightest spirals on the sky,
and is easily visible in southern hemisphere with a good pair of binoculars. The type Sc galaxy
is about 10
1 (共1页)
大质量的新星使得“恒星育儿室”晃动(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Cocoon Nebula
NGC 4013:透视星系的边缘(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: M17: Star Factory
恒星形成时的火焰照亮了整个星系(英文原文)每日一图 欧米伽星云M17
Astronomy Picture of Day: Center of Virgo ClusterAstronomy Picture of Day: Eagle Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Spiral GalaxyCFHT's MegaPrime Press Release
Astronomy Picture of Day: Interacting Galaxies一个不寻常的双星团
Astronomy Picture of Day: Supernova Remnant哈勃揭示了一个星系的真实颜色(英文原文)
话题: ngc话题: group话题: picture话题: day话题: ngc253