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_BibleStudy版 - Something inspired me this morning
老歌:My Jesus I Love Thee谁能说说灵修的目的和内容?
8年的感情难道比不上基督教,我该怎么办? (转载)hoa commercial 27%, advice, pls
海德堡要理问答主日11 (转载)9 Things Every Parent with an Anxious Child Should Try (ZT)
How Does Jesus Come to Newtown? (转载)转全新 graco baby monitor $35 (local pick up 08854)
惟靠信心称义,但不是靠没有行为的信心称义。 (转载)People that inspires me running ...
Defeat God?到底什么时候能用high beam?
神是一个灵basement 的beam 有裂缝,请教?
Denzel Washington申请专利有什么好处
话题: something话题: inspired话题: morning话题: late话题: light
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3056
From the Daily Bread:
A motel chain once had a series of radio commercials that ended with the
reassuring words, "We'll leave the light on for you." My mother used to say
the same thing to me.
Sometimes I worked the late shift at the factory, or I would come home late
from college. No matter what the reason or the time, the porch light was
burning. Its warm beams seemed to say, " This is where you belong. Someone
loves you here. You are home."
Jesus said that we who know Him as Savior and Lord
1 (共1页)
申请专利有什么好处惟靠信心称义,但不是靠没有行为的信心称义。 (转载)
First BeamDefeat God?
john edwards出来了!!Denzel Washington
老歌:My Jesus I Love Thee谁能说说灵修的目的和内容?
8年的感情难道比不上基督教,我该怎么办? (转载)hoa commercial 27%, advice, pls
海德堡要理问答主日11 (转载)9 Things Every Parent with an Anxious Child Should Try (ZT)
How Does Jesus Come to Newtown? (转载)转全新 graco baby monitor $35 (local pick up 08854)
话题: something话题: inspired话题: morning话题: late话题: light