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_aily版 - What can you do to prepare your child for school? (转载)
What can you do to prepare your child for school?FPGEE Preparation Materials
What can you do to prepare your child for school?[合集] What can you do to prepare your child for school? (转载
大家都参加医院的那种child birth class 吗?我司位于南湾区San Jose,现需要招聘一名Technical Marketing Assistant
child birth preparation课程视频F*** USPS!!!
presentation at the postdoc interviewNeed help on non-cap H1-B application during grace period!!!!
About child issue Re: 妈妈昨天在上海签出最早什么时间可以申请OPT extension
additionl child tax credit 被拒了?请大家帮看看我司位于南湾区San Jose,现需要招聘一名Technical Marketing Assistant
that blind chinese activist我司位于南湾区San Jose,现需要招聘一名Technical Marketing Assistant
话题: child话题: what话题: your话题: reading话题: prepare
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6501
【 以下文字转载自 K12 俱乐部 】
发信人: aily (节网中), 信区: K12
标 题: What can you do to prepare your child for school?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 23 17:05:25 2010, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: aily (节网中), 信区: Parenting
标 题: What can you do to prepare your child for school?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 23 17:05:14 2010, 美东)
1 Make reading with your child part of your daily routine.
2 When reading with your child, stop periodically to discuss the content of
the text and pictures. This promotes reading comprehension.
1 (共1页)
我司位于南湾区San Jose,现需要招聘一名Technical Marketing Assistantpresentation at the postdoc interview
作为一个大区经理上任的第一个星期主要需要做哪些工作 zzAbout child issue Re: 妈妈昨天在上海签出
有谁知道最早什么时候能递交OPT延期?additionl child tax credit 被拒了?请大家帮看看
最早什么时间可以申请OPT extension (转载)that blind chinese activist
What can you do to prepare your child for school?FPGEE Preparation Materials
What can you do to prepare your child for school?[合集] What can you do to prepare your child for school? (转载
大家都参加医院的那种child birth class 吗?我司位于南湾区San Jose,现需要招聘一名Technical Marketing Assistant
child birth preparation课程视频F*** USPS!!!
话题: child话题: what话题: your话题: reading话题: prepare