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_pennystock版 - U.S. Dependent on Middle East Oil? Think Again. [ZZ]
请问一下关于炒股报税的问题新春佳节,请继续关注山区教育,OCEF 项目更新 (转载)
今天就只能看UCO了[合集] 【FA讨论】5月大盘(05/2010)
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话题: oil话题: east话题: middle话题: dependent话题: saudi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 656
Given the unrest in the Middle East we’re hearing a lot of noise these days
about how the U.S. is totally dependent on oil imports from that region of
the world. The data, however, does not confirm these assertions.
We were surprised by the following table from the E.I.A. which shows the U.S
. imports only about 25 percent of its crude oil from the Middle East and
just 10 percent when Saudi Arabia is excluded. It is our sense that Saudi
is much more politically stable than oil traders believe. This is not to say
the U.S. won’t have to pay the world market price if supply is disrupted
from Libya or elsewhere, however.
发帖数: 6456

【在 b**t 的大作中提到】
: Given the unrest in the Middle East we’re hearing a lot of noise these days
: about how the U.S. is totally dependent on oil imports from that region of
: the world. The data, however, does not confirm these assertions.
: We were surprised by the following table from the E.I.A. which shows the U.S
: . imports only about 25 percent of its crude oil from the Middle East and
: just 10 percent when Saudi Arabia is excluded. It is our sense that Saudi
: is much more politically stable than oil traders believe. This is not to say
: the U.S. won’t have to pay the world market price if supply is disrupted
: from Libya or elsewhere, however.

发帖数: 656
Destination of Libya’s Oil Exports
发帖数: 656
Given the unrest in the Middle East we’re hearing a lot of noise these days
about how the U.S. is totally dependent on oil imports from that region of
the world. The data, however, does not confirm these assertions.
We were surprised by the following table from the E.I.A. which shows the U.S
. imports only about 25 percent of its crude oil from the Middle East and
just 10 percent when Saudi Arabia is excluded. It is our sense that Saudi
is much more politically stable than oil traders believe. This is not to say
the U.S. won’t have to pay the world market price if supply is disrupted
from Libya or elsewhere, however.
发帖数: 6456

【在 b**t 的大作中提到】
: Given the unrest in the Middle East we’re hearing a lot of noise these days
: about how the U.S. is totally dependent on oil imports from that region of
: the world. The data, however, does not confirm these assertions.
: We were surprised by the following table from the E.I.A. which shows the U.S
: . imports only about 25 percent of its crude oil from the Middle East and
: just 10 percent when Saudi Arabia is excluded. It is our sense that Saudi
: is much more politically stable than oil traders believe. This is not to say
: the U.S. won’t have to pay the world market price if supply is disrupted
: from Libya or elsewhere, however.

发帖数: 656
Destination of Libya’s Oil Exports
1 (共1页)
Attention, oil price may keep going up油涨到了 104.78 +1.5% 天然气继续跌 -2.2%
Saudi Arabia to Pull Back Production After Summer -- SourcesObama signs manufacturing bill (转载)
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请问一下关于炒股报税的问题新春佳节,请继续关注山区教育,OCEF 项目更新 (转载)
今天就只能看UCO了[合集] 【FA讨论】5月大盘(05/2010)
话题: oil话题: east话题: middle话题: dependent话题: saudi