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loseweight版 - 有人试过carb blocker吗?
Alessandra Ambrosio的身材不好, 为啥还能当超模...糟糕了 吃了半个bar 不是phase one的!!
下个月的“药”Carb Stopper/Blocker活体试验报告
[减肥日记] 10月19日开始的south beach diet Phase 1再问一下Atkins
第一天阿氏减肥,头昏!问一个aktins bar的问题
订的P90X到了,兴奋中 (转载)1月11日开始减肥
版上姐妹阿氏多久开始出现酮代谢?【参加活动】- 再战肥膘
话题: phase话题: md话题: study话题: placebo话题: subjects
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1578
carb blocker - Phaseolamin - Phase 2
from wiki:
Clinical trial results
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 human subjects showed that
those who took Phase 2 lost an average of 6.45 lb (2.93 kg) in 30 days,
compared to those on placebo, who lost less than 1 lb (0.45 kg), on average.
Those participants on Phase 2 also lost, on average, over 10% of body fat
mass, and more than 3% in waist circumference. The study was conducted by
Leonardo Celleno MD, Alessandra D’Amore MD, and Maria Toliani of the
Cosmetic Research Center in Rome. Analysis was conducted by Harry Preuss MD,
Georgetown University Medical Center; and Nicholas Perricone MD, of
Clinical Creations, Meriden, Connecticut. The study was published in the
International Journal of Medical Sciences, 2007.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study of 11 adult human
subjects showed that starch absorption averaged 66% less in the group taking
Phase 2. The study was conducted by Joe A. Vinson, Ph.D., and Donna M.
Shuta, B.S., Department of Chemistry, University of Scranton, April 24, 2002.
A double-blind, human pilot study published in Alternative Therapies in
Health and Medicine found that those who ate the most carbohydrates and took
a supplement containing Phase 2, lost significantly more weight and inches
from their waist than the placebo group. When stratified by total
carbohydrate intake, the Phase 2 group lost an average of 8.7 lb (3.9 kg)
and 3.3 inches off their waists, while the placebo group lost an average of
1.7 lb (0.77 kg) and 1.3 inches. The results were statistically significant.
In a clinical trial performed by Jay Udani, MD (Assistant Clinical Professor
at the UCLA School of Medicine), a randomly selected group of obese
subjects were given 1500 mg of Phase 2 twice daily with meals. Over the
period of the eight week trial, which 27 subjects completed, the group using
Phase 2 showed an average weight loss of 3.79 pounds (1.72 kg) pounds,
compared with an average of 1.65 lb (0.75 kg) for subjects taking a placebo.
No adverse effects were observed during the trial. The study was published
in Alternative Medicine Review, Volume 9, Number 2, March 2004.
An open-label 6-arm[clarification needed] crossover study with 13 randomized
subjects using standardized GI(glycemic index)testing showed that the GI of
Wonder brand white bread was significantly reduced by the addition of 3000
mg of the Phase 2/StarchLite white bean extract in powder form with other
dosages and formulations trending toward significance. The study was
conducted by Jay Udani, MD Medical Director, Medicus Research)
发帖数: 27294


【在 s**********g 的大作中提到】
: 听起来很神奇.
: carb blocker - Phaseolamin - Phase 2
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phaseolamin
: from wiki:
: Clinical trial results
: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 human subjects showed that
: those who took Phase 2 lost an average of 6.45 lb (2.93 kg) in 30 days,
: compared to those on placebo, who lost less than 1 lb (0.45 kg), on average.
: Those participants on Phase 2 also lost, on average, over 10% of body fat
: mass, and more than 3% in waist circumference. The study was conducted by

1 (共1页)
【参加活动】- 再战肥膘[减肥日记] 10月19日开始的south beach diet Phase 1
phase 1 上火怎么办第一天阿氏减肥,头昏!
Aktins PHASE 1 是不是一点水果都不能吃?订的P90X到了,兴奋中 (转载)
请问上p90x一定要买pull-up bar吗?版上姐妹阿氏多久开始出现酮代谢?
Alessandra Ambrosio的身材不好, 为啥还能当超模...糟糕了 吃了半个bar 不是phase one的!!
下个月的“药”Carb Stopper/Blocker活体试验报告
话题: phase话题: md话题: study话题: placebo话题: subjects