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shopping版 - intel x25-m 120gb ssd $145AR@newegg
ASUS 的 laptop华硕X52F-X3 i5 笔记本 $499
How about this notebook: Toshiba - Satellite Laptop with Intel® Pentium[出售]T420 DOS 机 (转载)
联想Ideapad U550,$599,独立显卡。[bssd]这个电脑该不该留?
快: ThinkPad Edge 13.3" Notebook - $349.99+FS @Newegg野外作战电脑-Panasonic Toughbook CF-29H3 Rugged 13.3" Laptop:$359.99
how about this laptop? Acer Aspire AS5742-6814 Notebook Intel Core i3笔记本要好,CPU TDP better <35W
circuit city 有没有啥 thinkpad 的deal?不要去这个网站买东西
Lenovo ThinkPad W510 Core i7-820QM 15.6" 1080p Laptop $780Re: How about this model of Notebook?
$650买Lenovo IdeaPad Z580 2151-29U Notebook-3rd generation Intel Core i7-3520M 2.9GHz, 4GB DDR3, 500GRe: Do I need to pay tax when I bring a notebook or something more to
话题: 120gb话题: x25话题: intel话题: 145ar话题: newegg
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12461
newegg is offering $25 gc for $200+ today.
Intel x25-m 120gb ssd = $205 - $35 rebate - $25 gc = $145
You can use the gc, for example, to purchase the g.skill 2x4GB DDR3-1333
notebook memory with EMCZNYX34 to give your notebook a major performance
1 (共1页)
Re: Do I need to pay tax when I bring a notebook or something more tohow about this laptop? Acer Aspire AS5742-6814 Notebook Intel Core i3
Re: www.ubid.com的refurbished的笔记本电脑可以买吗?circuit city 有没有啥 thinkpad 的deal?
Re: Walmart notebook $838Lenovo ThinkPad W510 Core i7-820QM 15.6" 1080p Laptop $780
Re: 在ubid上买notebook可靠吗?$650买Lenovo IdeaPad Z580 2151-29U Notebook-3rd generation Intel Core i7-3520M 2.9GHz, 4GB DDR3, 500G
ASUS 的 laptop华硕X52F-X3 i5 笔记本 $499
How about this notebook: Toshiba - Satellite Laptop with Intel® Pentium[出售]T420 DOS 机 (转载)
联想Ideapad U550,$599,独立显卡。[bssd]这个电脑该不该留?
快: ThinkPad Edge 13.3" Notebook - $349.99+FS @Newegg野外作战电脑-Panasonic Toughbook CF-29H3 Rugged 13.3" Laptop:$359.99
话题: 120gb话题: x25话题: intel话题: 145ar话题: newegg