

全部话题 - 话题: becuase
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发帖数: 629
No HIV is needed becuase US has the more HIV +s than anywhere else.
发帖数: 675
looks like there are some people around my filing nuumber still in initial
review on the website. My case was RFEd. You should be able to do SR becuase
TSC has processed cases around April 2011.
Good luck
发帖数: 3792
you two may be talking about different things
Yes, NIW does not require a job offer. One can apply NIW without a job offer
, that is essensce of NIW, because of "national interest", it is
unreasonable to require the applicant to get a labor certificate, that is, a
job offer.
However, under current situation, because one cannot submit 140 together
with 485. One needs to wait for a while to submit 485. At the time of
submitting 485, USCIS usually requires the applicant to submit verification
of e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1627
as a scientist, if always good idea to do error analysis.
So where will error come from
1) under-estimate: only 3 months included for GC approval. In fact, it is 4
months if using the fiscal year calendar (10,11,12,1), so another 220 should
be added.
2) over-estimate: not all 485 will be approved, some will be denied. Not
sure how to calculate this part.
3) over-estimate: uneven moving pace over the month. Jan stats finally
showed recovery to a positive number. It should be coincide with the
fin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1178
来自主题: EB23版 - That's why USA is a great country!
Unfortunately, people on this board don't appreciate the freedom and
judicial system of this great country. They stop your post right or launch
massive personnal attack simply becuase you demonstrate something they don't
like. That's is so ironic! People on this board are totally blindfolded by
green card.
发帖数: 435
H4, and expiration date is the Spouse's H1-b expiration date. We are the
same situation and my lawyer prepared in this way. It turns out USCIS takes
it, becuase our EAD/AP just got approved. Good luck!
发帖数: 81
来自主题: Chinese版 - Need help on Landlord/Tenant problem
I am a landlord. I am currently having a one-year lease with my tenants.
Recently I have received several complaints from neighbors that my tenants
were being searched by police and drug enforcement administrative agents for
three time. For the last time, the police was even broken into the
property. However, the police department won't release a report to me
becuase I was not directly involved. Can I evict my tenant with 3-day
notice without a police report? Or should I give the tenants a wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20195
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wayofflying (小破熊), 信区: Military
标 题: 雅虎上米国、三哥和小日本的评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 17 13:31:15 2012, 美东)
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Arctic fox ? 16 mins ago
Now are they, like Americans and Russians, going to wonder around the
Earth at 300-400 km above the surface and call it "space" too? Or are they
going to higher than 600 km where the electrons and positrons ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28
When you arrive the campus you will know the reason. Becuase most of chinese
live around the main campus. And most departments are in main too. You can go
to the campus first and have a look around then dicide where you live.
发帖数: 28
When you arrive the campus you will know the reason. Becuase most of chinese
live around the main campus. And most departments are in main too. You can go
to the campus first and have a look around then dicide where you live.
发帖数: 227
来自主题: Boston版 - 有买房的律师推荐吗?
I have clients who have their own attorney that didn't have this addendum in
there P&S. Commitment date mortgage contigency is in the standard P&S
template. Not this one. Again, this is to protect you after the commitment
letter. You know that
commitment letter is aprove with condition. That means although you get your
approval, your loan may still be denied if you can't meet all of the
To answer your question: The attorney if get paid by the bank, and in theory
, if buyer want to b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 227
Come on, be nice! don't scare LZ. When I hired people, I didn't feel
offended at all when they bargained salary. Business is business. They can
refuse your request, but it's not rational to give you trouble just becuase
bargained. Instead, it's so hard for hiring manager to find good talent
although the pool is big.
发帖数: 6764
正经的公司都有pay grade的,你什么学历,工作经历多长,面试中搭脉下来大家认为
你的水平有多高,etc. 当然HR很懂现在的market price, 加上你如果透露过期望值,
这么多因素一起就给你个offer, 所以这个offer应该是差不多的。
至于你拿到offer以后再negotiate, I am all for it, 只是有些公司是会妥协,有些
公司比较死 - 爱来不来。收回offer的情况比较少见,除非当时给offer的时候就已经

发帖数: 83
来自主题: Boston版 - 诚征阿姨来照顾宝宝
I recommend our nanny. She is good with my son. We can't use her any more
becuase we are moving. If you are interested, please message me. Thanks.
发帖数: 36302
来自主题: Chicago版 - Chicago版需要改革
Nobody can save chicago board.
Becuase the living pressure here is so low, peoples have no complains about
housing, jobs, kids' school, or even marriage. Most peoples here are married
with 2 kids, living in a 4BR SFH in one of the suburb's good school
districts. Kids will go to UIUC at least.
Life is boring.
If you are in SF, even a 3BR TH might be your dream, and goal of your kids
may be UC Davis or UC Berkley, of course you will make lots of comments on life
发帖数: 89
I also recommend you to go to Fulton County central library becuase they are
bigger and have more books on shelf. I have been to Fulton Central Library
before, they are located in Downtown.
发帖数: 8689
A: Colonial Period and Independence 殖民时期与独立 (58-70)
58. What is one reason colonists came to America? 问: 举出一个殖民者当初到
A: Freedom 答: 自由
A: Political liberty 答: 政治自由
A: Religious freedom 答: 宗教自由
A: Economic opportunity 答: 经济机会
A: practice their religion 答: 从事宗教活动
A: escape persecution 答: 逃避迫害。
59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? 问: 在欧洲人来到美洲
A: The Native Americans 答: 美洲原住民
A: American Indians 答: 美洲印第安人
60. What group of people was t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
I guess most people there do not know there is such a board.
Or even though some may know, becuase it is cold here, so they rarely stop
发帖数: 6466
You think we cannot doubt the announcement US government said their people
landed on the moon becuase we are not certain scientist. Is that right?
I like to ask the same questions which are in the sections of "Mechanical
Issues" on the wiki page and have never been answered with a reasonable
If you are so specific, read the link again.
发帖数: 6466
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 我再挖个坑,哈哈,赞一下kerwin
aiyo...I said that becuase he was an anti-racist...
So you didn't get my joke at all...BS again
发帖数: 6466
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 还能再见到你吗? (转载)
Becuase I make less than u
发帖数: 15615
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - disneyland附近有什么中餐馆?
just tell them the area, let them choose, different people has different
and all the vietienmes resturnat I know there is not because they had good
food, it is becuase there is gun shoot happened at midnight over there.
发帖数: 3792
2011 yes you can still claim 500 becuase you are still a student until Nov.
If you really want to be exact, you will claim 5000 x 11/12. However, many
people don't bother, or does any tax officer bother to check your excess
claim of 1 month?
2012 no you cannot any more.
发帖数: 554
no, only family and friends of those sales representitives have them
but if you walk in and tell any of them that you heard this FF event is
going on and would like to enjoy it. Then you give her the list of things
you want, she would be very happy to check them out for you becuase of the
commission fee she can earn
yes, on skincare, cometics, some handbags and shoese, etc
发帖数: 20195
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wayofflying (小破熊), 信区: Military
标 题: 雅虎上米国、三哥和小日本的评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 17 13:31:15 2012, 美东)
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Arctic fox ? 16 mins ago
Now are they, like Americans and Russians, going to wonder around the
Earth at 300-400 km above the surface and call it "space" too? Or are they
going to higher than 600 km where the electrons and positrons ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2975
来自主题: NewJersey版 - Never buy a house in flood zone
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: audi (yiybf), 信区: Living
标 题: Never buy a house in flood zone
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 19 08:56:29 2011, 美东)
Flood Waters Receding, But N.J. Residents Still Furious
April 19, 2011 7:03 AM
Print Share 12
New Jersey Flooding (credit: CBS 2)
WAYNE, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — As flood-prone areas of New Jersey began drying
out Tuesday, angry residents of flooded areas called again on New Jersey’s
leaders to do more to keep their roads and homes dry.
Flood-weary folks in Wayne a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2464
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 吐槽龙园
becuase you keep coming after the 10%.
Please give me a break by stopping the double standards!

发帖数: 1582
来自主题: NewMexico版 - 荒凉啊
It is understandable becuase there are no many good universities in NM and
so the Chinese. Also, most of them working in LANL are old and do not have
time/interest to hang here.
发帖数: 18319
来自主题: NewYork版 - kingcw
ft, i meant to say "please don't say 'it is gonna be a virtual world
controlled by a clique of blahblahblah', becuase I am going to be a banfu"...
You are too hostel.

发帖数: 18319
来自主题: NewYork版 - SAS training in Princeton
Hello David,
I am banda, I am also a SAS certified Advanced programmer. I think it would
be more practical if you could share any career information here.
Otherwise, I am going to delete this thread, becuase it looks more like an
发帖数: 18319
来自主题: NewYork版 - SAS training in Princeton
Hello David,
I am banda, I am also a SAS certified Advanced programmer. I think it would
be more practical if you could share any career information here.
Otherwise, I am going to delete this thread, becuase it looks more like an
发帖数: 14292
pretty expensive yeah? 40K a year?
i remember when i was applying for grad school this school is like on
everyone's list becuase they give admission to literally anybody.
worth it or not depends on YOU. you go make it happen. School can do very
发帖数: 14292
来自主题: NewYork版 - 求推荐认真负责的家庭医生

she keeps telling my hubby to remove his tattoo, becuase it is not a very
christian thing to do. LOL
发帖数: 760

miss baby a......
becuase of visa issue, plan to stay home for 5 weeks.
发帖数: 3523
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 问个急诊的问题
many years ago I drove a friend to ER becuase he twisted his ankle in a
saturday soccor play. man, we waited the whole afternoon.
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 昨天差点打架,兼问后果
No the cop won't come for people arguing about a parking space unless
someone gets hurt. That is reason why you leave and come back to fix his car later. Just make sure no one is around. It will make you feel better. LOL
Here is what happened to me one time while I was waiting someone to back out
of a parking space. Someone came from behind, drove 20 feets in front,
made a U-turn and took the space right in front of me. It caught me off
guard becuase why would someone do that espeically I am
发帖数: 3523
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Prop 25
the question is who hijacks whom?
DEMs has majority, just a little under 2/3. Who will benefit from this bill?
Unions are behind this bill. Who will benefit from it?
A while ago, DEMs said they don't want to pass a budget before november
election, why? becuase they think they could lose votes if voters see their
Now you put ti together. DEMs know their budget will not be liked. They know
they will lose seats in this election. They know they will still hold more
than 50% in congress.
And ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2643
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 为什么IPAD这么受欢迎?
becuase iPAD is a toy for kids and women.
发帖数: 430
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 问一下加州的4个National Parks (转载)
If no hiking (becuase we are taking our 2 yo), how about the ranking? thx
发帖数: 223
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 买保险应该是个人决定,不该强迫
They cannot.
Though they have a responsibility for health care, becuase they limited
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 遇到这样的loan agent怎么办?
Be honest, You should not do that.
previous agent spend times and efforts to get your loan closed. Lender
changed the policy and she/he can not do much about it. They already inform
you before your new refinance start.
Even you find new broker, unless they are not aware of this situation OR
they desperate wanna get new business, otherwise the new brokers would not
take the loan since it will impact previous broker, this is the 行规.
If you are invovled in the litigation, you might have trouble f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 遇到这样的loan agent怎么办?
Be honest, You should not do that.
previous agent spend times and efforts to get your loan closed. Lender
changed the policy and she/he can not do much about it. They already inform
you before your new refinance start.
Even you find new broker, unless they are not aware of this situation OR
they desperate wanna get new business, otherwise the new brokers would not
take the loan since it will impact previous broker, this is the 行规.
If you are invovled in the litigation, you might have trouble f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 急求推荐很牛的loan agent
Did your agent tell you the exact reason why the loan is rejected,
especially almost at closing? If there are some major issue, they should
not bypass the underwriter at first step. Was the reason becuase of less
than 2 yrs in US? less than two years tax return? not enough credit lines?
Or some other reasons?
We did help the clients get the loan with the less than 2 yrs history in US
but I know everyone's situation will be different. Feel free to drop me the
line and I will see if I can help or... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16647
he may still argue "your speed is higher"
and what is so evil is that...it occurred to my mind that
he is very very evil
becuase he insisted he signaled left...which might imply a great plot
when a car is turning left, its speed may reduce in most circumstances, and
it could well explain both:
1) when he started out from the stop sign, you didn' reach stop sign yet"
2) you didn't stop and your speed is higher than his, that's why his car hit
the side of your car...
girl..it could be veli veli ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 127
来自主题: Seattle版 - 强烈请求撤换LA版主
LA封锁消息,LA times 的REPORTOR VIVE WHO REPORT the city of bell's co-
ruption case has all of the legal paper work, but did not do anything.
Becuase American goverment 风锁消息。
发帖数: 78
If the wires are for the detached garage, then you should be able to track
them to the garage. It is very unusual that they run the wires under the
foundation instead of through the walls.
One more thing:
The report indicated "raised foundation". Does that mean the foundation has
been raised ( by presure filling under the foundation using cement mixture,
it looks like it may be the case, becuase the photo shows there is cement
mixture under the foundation) after the the house was built? If that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34
来自主题: Seattle版 - Missed the toll
You may want to check their web very carefully or call them. This bridge is
different from 520. I had the same situation (missed toll becuase in the
inner lane) as you a few years ago, and I got a ticket for more than $100.
发帖数: 2211
来自主题: Seattle版 - Missed the toll
Thank you for the friendly reminder!
[在 jinwang22 (jinjin) 的大作中提到:]
:You may want to check their web very carefully or call them. This bridge
is different from 520. I had the same situation (missed toll becuase in the
:inner lane) as you a few years ago, and I got a ticket for more than $100.
发帖数: 7794
来自主题: Tennessee版 - Proposal
becuase 3pm is too late.
发帖数: 209
Yes, without paying the rent is good. But once the condition of the house
jeopardize my health, it is not a good idea to stay.
What would u feel if u come home everyday after work and class:
1. room smells moldy;
2.u basically treading in water to cook meals;
3.sleep in a messy livingroom becuase of running out of space after they
pulling out my stuff to the livingroom for cleaning purpose;
4.seeing the mold developing under ur carpet;
5.everytime when second flush their toilet, the ceiling clos
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